Out of stock
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Out of stock
Works great!
Haha. I had to check after seeing this. Over 90% of items are “out of stock.” Someone posted they want people to send guns to them for repair/changes rather than doing them yourself. That may be true.
I gave up on them long ago and use other sources.
And don’t forget the ever popular “We can’t find products matching your selection!” — taken from CZ usa’s own “Parts Finder” list of parts. I suppose these parts, like ejectors, extractors and springs thereof, etc. don’t exist anywhere. Perhaps they should rename this feature as the “Parts No-Finder.”
As far as sending your gun in for service at CZ USA, I’ve seen horror stories on here of people waiting months or years to get their firearms back. I’ve had Bren 2 parts on order going on 3 years or more.
But be careful, if you bring up these real issues you’ll be accused of “Colt-bashing.”