Author Topic: CZ or 1911 For the ladies?  (Read 8849 times)

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CZ or 1911 For the ladies?
« on: November 15, 2006, 12:53:08 AM »
As much as I love CZs. I must tell you that I think the 1911
            has some serious candy power for the female who is into
            plinking or defensive carry.
            Firstly, it is SLIM, much slimmer than most of the Glocks that the women in my life have adopted.There are also even slimmer grips on a custom basis- such as those offered by Esmeralda.
            Ergonomics. Much better pointing to most that have compared the Glocks and then 1911.
            Cocked n locked carry with a proper holster doesn't present a problem.The light and crisp single action trigger is fast into action and yields superb accuracy for most.Trigger reset is also a plus factor.
            Do any of you ladies shoot or prefer a 1911?


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CZ or 1911 For the ladies?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2006, 10:27:42 AM »
Nope. I don't carry tuperware guns. I prefer CZ's across the board.
             My Rami 9mm is easy to conceal and shoot. It has little to no recoil and it is very accurate. I love it to be exact. I would never give it up for all the 1911's in the world.

Offline Boogalou

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CZ or 1911 For the ladies?
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2006, 02:27:58 PM »
Nope. I don't carry tuperware guns. I prefer CZ's across the board.

            Is there a plastic 1911 around that I haven't heard about?  :eek


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CZ or 1911 For the ladies?
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2006, 05:25:47 PM »
Ya, the Wilson KZ10..some of the BUL 1911s have polymer frames.

Offline SheB61

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CZ or 1911 For the ladies?
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2007, 04:43:09 AM »
I know this is an old thread, but I'm new and still reading through everything!
            I love 1911's, they are, in my opinion, the quintessential pistol!  That being said however, I only wish more gun makers would make them in calibers other than .45!  I know that Kimber makes the Pro-Carry II in a 9mm, but come on, a Kimber just HAS to be a .45.   So who else makes one?  My husband thinks a 1911 in any caliber other than .45 would be sacrilege :p
            I'm with Compact40 on this one.  I'm not very fond of "tupperware" guns - although I do like the H&K USP compact - I like the feel of cold steel in my hands.
            Which gets me to my point.  That's why I chose to buy the CZ.  It has the lines of a classic pistol, while offering all the things you'd want in a modern gun.  They make awesome pieces, and deciding which one to buy was very difficult!
            Now, I just wish my permit would come in so I can get my hands around one! :D


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CZ or 1911 For the ladies?
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2007, 10:11:47 AM »
Welcome to the ladies forum. Pull up a chair and tell us about yourself. 8)

Offline SheB61

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CZ or 1911 For the ladies?
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2007, 11:39:55 AM »
Well, what can I tell you. I'm a 45-year-old wife and mother of 2. A son 24-yrs old, and a daughter of 14, whom I homeschool.
            We live in North Carolina, in a small town called Clemmons, which is just south west of Winston-Salem, and north of Charlotte.  
            I was born and raised in South Africa, and immigrated here in 1991, and became a US citizen in 2002.  My son got citizenship in 2003, and husband in 2004.  My daughter was born here.
            As I'm sure you've figured, we love guns and really enjoy shooting.  We're not hunters, rather we enjoy target shooting.
            What else would you like to know....  most questions will be answered ;)


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CZ or 1911 For the ladies?
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2007, 12:02:44 PM »
Thats great. I am glad you are here with us. I am 44 and married with a 7 year old son. I have 4 cats and one Cocker Spaniel Snickers. My other Cocker Sam had to be put to sleep. He had cancer. I am still healing from that. It was hard.
             I am a target shooter to. I don't hunt.I don't like the cold or extream heat. I am happy to have you here and I hope to get to know you better. Thanks for shareing your history with us.

Offline CZ Prime

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CZ or 1911 For the ladies?
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2008, 09:37:49 PM »
MY wife loves her Springfield EMP 9mm 1911. It is a great gun, scaled down 1911 all reworked to keep thing in spec once scaled down. Capacity is 9+1 and it comes with a holster and mag carrier too. The controls are easy to reach, the ambi thumb safety very positive and the accuracy superb. The scaled down frame allows a good comfortable trigger pull for even small hands. We highly recommend this weapon for any woman looking for a small, reliable CCW gun.

Offline DobeHug

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CZ or 1911 For the ladies?
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2008, 09:29:12 AM »
I just traded two of my handguns for a Charles Daly 1911 for my husband and I like shooting it, I was pretty good with it too but it's not something I would want to carry. I just got into CZ's and I love my new PCR. I also own a Kel-tec P3AT and a G26. I am a 9mm gal, it's what's right for me at the time, I may change later. I am pretty new to guns, have my carry permit and do rather well at the range. I am 49, 4 children, two married, two still at home, the youngest is 17 and joined the Army Reserves. I have three grandchildren and two Dobermans. and somewhere in the middle of all that is a husband but I think he got lost somewhere LOL.

I wish I had started shooting years ago but I bet if someone told me years ago I would start shooting and even carry I would probably have thought they were crazy. This world is getting scarier as time goes on and I feel comfortable carrying for protection for myself and my family. My husband also has his permit ordered as does one of my daughters and her husband. We all enjoy going to the range together or shooting at an inlaws house.


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CZ or 1911 For the ladies?
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2008, 09:46:08 AM »
DobeHug I agree about the PCR. They are a great shooting gun. I have one and I love it. I am glad you started stooting. It doesn't matter how old your are. It's never to late to protect yourself from the bad guys. I am a CCW holder as well and I don't go anywhere without it.

Offline armoredman

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CZ or 1911 For the ladies?
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2008, 08:24:50 AM »