Author Topic: Question for the ladies out there...  (Read 30198 times)

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Question for the ladies out there...
« on: March 13, 2006, 12:27:29 PM »
Well, I got my dad and mom into shooting.  My dad fell in love with the cz-75B stainless.  My mom has shot the CZ, sigPro2009, baby glock 26, sig 239 in .40, along with full size .45's.  She doesn't like long DA pulls, and she has pretty small hands.  I had her try a PCR and a CZ compact in the hand, but I dont know is she would want to carry cocked and locked.  She is going to try a glock 17 and 19, and trying to have her hold SA XD's.  Any other guns that you ladies find fit ladies with smaller hands?  She is 5'1".  Thanks for the help!


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Question for the ladies out there...
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2006, 09:11:43 AM »
I have fairly large hands so this isn't a problem for me, but I do work in a gun store and we have to deal with this all the time. If your mom does not have a problem with .45 ACP I would strongly suggest a springfield 1911.  These guns are very reliable and they are a single stack so the grip is fairly thin.  If you get the mil-spec model the trigger is shorter and you can get some after market grips from ergo that are extra thin.
            Now if that is still to big try looking for a single stack 9mm.  Kel-tec has one that is really small but if they break you have to get a new gun because most gun smiths can't work on them.
            Now if revolvers are an option look for an older revolver. All of the old smith&wesson's have very small grips and that will fit small hands and you can usually get trigger work done to lighten up the double action trigger pull.
            If all that doesn't work see what say's.  It is a conceal carry forum and it is full of people looking for smaller thinner guns to conceal.
            Good luck!


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Question for the ladies out there...
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2006, 09:20:42 AM »
Thanks for the help!  She doesn't like revolvers due to the longer DA pull. 1911's she doesnt like because they are too heavy, and the smaller ones are harder in recoil.  She likes the Sig 239, but not the DA pull.  I will have to try her on a Kahr.  Thanks for the heads up on!


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Question for the ladies out there...
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2006, 07:57:28 AM »
Hello and Welcome. I don't like wheel guns either. They give me blisters after about 25-50 rounds.
             I have a 2075 Rami in 9mm. I don't have large hands at all. Maybe she might like that. It's not real heavy at all. I hated carrying big bulkey guns. Just a thought..


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Question for the ladies out there...
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2007, 07:19:18 PM »
I'm a small woman and I have a Smith and Wesson M&P and I love it.  It feels like it was made for my hand.  It comes with 3 palm swells, it has a shot trigger pull it was dead on right out of the box.  I haven't shot anything else expect for my browning 22 just for fun in the back yard,  22's are cheap and fun.


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Question for the ladies out there...
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2007, 11:48:03 AM »
Hello luvrtroops. Welcome to the ladies forum. Pull up a chair and sit a spell and visit with us. Nice to see you here.

Offline SheB61

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Question for the ladies out there...
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2007, 02:29:26 PM »
I got small hands and love my P-01!  It's an awesome handgun that feels really good in the hand and is very comfortable to shoot.  The Rami is a good fit too!
            It's really hard to find a gun that fits a small hand, especially in the bigger calibers.  The 1911's are pretty good, but most are .45s, although I do think Kimber makes a 9mm.  However,  a 1911 in anything other than .45 would be sacrilege?!?! ;)   Or so my hubby thinks......

Offline alias0310

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Re: Question for the ladies out there...
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2012, 11:03:13 AM »
I think the CZ 75 SA might be a great choice. It has a very nice single action trigger. Unfortunately, I don't own this gun, so I'm not entirely familiar with it besides a gun show I work once a year at the CZ booth. But I also own a M&P and those guns are great for women, period. They're extremely user friendly- changable grips, available in multiple calibers... love it. I have relatively small hands, so I tend to stick with CZ. I stay away from Glock and Sig, mainly because their grips are HUGE... but any pistol grip can be modified with changable grip options or a good gunsmith to shave down those huge Glock grips... :)