Almost everyone watched Katrina destroy New Orleans and much of the underbelly of America, but Nawlins stood out far more than the others...why? Because other people NOT in New Orleans got down to work, had plans, and put those plans in motion to save lives and property. You should, as well, anything from small basics like extra flashlights and batteries for a short term power outage, to bug out bags and preplanned rendevous with family/friends in case of emergency bailout, such as California wildfires out of control or incoming hurricane, and all the public roads are blocked. Many people trying to leave New Orleans ran out of gas idling on the freeway, becasue there was no place to go.
Two basic ideas exist in any crisis, Bug Out, and Hunker Down. Only you can make that determination which to do, and when. Here are some resource links to help get information on what to have, where, and why. Everyone bags on FEMA after Katrina, but Mayor Nagin caused a great deal of the issue. As much FEMA did messup, they still have some good info. Yes, it's my state Homeland Security website - your state has one too.More good information on what may happen in your area, and what you can do.
One thing you will notice on the web sites is a lack of "what caliber for looters" advice colummns. Suffice to say your have your CZs,and I hope that you have included them in your plan/strategies.
What links/info do YOU have?