Author Topic: Angus, what other guns do you like?  (Read 2569 times)

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Angus, what other guns do you like?
« on: January 10, 2006, 12:43:28 PM »
Of course we all know you're a big CZ fan.  But what other guns do you like to shoot with?  Why?

Offline angus hobdell

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Angus, what other guns do you like?
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2006, 01:30:22 PM »
What guns do I shoot and or what guns do I have wow that's a great question.
I have a LOT of guns.
Pretty much one of every CZ mabe not all the calibers but nealry all the models and several customized step children. (CZ's that used to be something else....)
I even have a Colt Z40,
For 3 Gun I use Armalite Rifle and have 3 Ar10 and 3 Ar15 in various configurations. Also a couple of L1A1's copies but would love and origninal FN. Several Ak Style guns and am working on a VZ 58 Semi Auto right now.
I have several S_I style guns left over from when I was shooting open and some limited guns. I also have a bunch of guns that I have won over the years some have been shot some not.

I have several revolvers, all sort of configurations from 5 shot J frames to 45 ACP N frames most are S&W. I really enjoy shooting the wheel guns and actuall won the ICORE event one year with a 625

I have a plethora of 1911, in 45acp 40 S&W 38 Super and 9mm. This year I will be shooting the Dan Wessons in some of the new Single Stack classifed USPSA matches.

Several .22 pistols including my marvel conversions. Man those shoot well, nickle sized groups at 50 yards and a bunch of customised 10/22

Interesting guns include FN Five Seven, HK P7M13, Trapdoor Sprinfield, and a bunch of other stuff
Angus Duhhhh!


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Angus, what other guns do you like?
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2006, 04:02:23 PM »
Yes, but what sort of scattergun are you using in that photo of you in the most recent FrontSight magazine??? It almost looks like a pump!

How about 3gun/Multigun optics?


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Angus, what other guns do you like?
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2006, 05:19:38 PM »
re Marvel Conversions:

Several .22 pistols including my marvel conversions. Man those shoot well, nickle sized groups at 50 yards...
I know the Marvels are up to it.  I wish I were.  (I'm not sure I can even see that far...)

Offline angus hobdell

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Angus, what other guns do you like?
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2006, 10:35:43 AM »
The pump in the picture is a winchester 1300 defender.
At the last minuite USPSA decided that heavy metal was to be pump only so I had to rush out and buy a suitable pump. I was already to shoot my 712.
Angus Duhhhh!

Offline angus hobdell

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Angus, what other guns do you like?
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2006, 10:37:15 AM »
Walt best I ever shot with it was under 1/2" at 25 yards from a bag with Lapua Signum ammo. But that pretty darn good for a conversion kit. The first ones, were almost too accurate and eventually had to have the chambers opened up because they were "too tight"
Angus Duhhhh!

Offline lukipsc

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Angus, what other guns do you like?
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2006, 04:13:47 PM »
Angus, please have you got a pictures of your modified 58? I would like to see your changes.

So if you/or other want inspiration check this link: 58vz.
I am updating the archive when I have some new pictures.



Offline angus hobdell

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Angus, what other guns do you like?
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2006, 06:59:34 PM »
When I say working I ahve aparts kit but nor reciver yet VZ 58 in the USA are not as easy to come by as in Czech. The reciver has to be made as a semi auoto only no conversions are allowed, new recivers are $$$$$$$$$ probally 4 times what you paid for the whole gun
Angus Duhhhh!


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Angus, what other guns do you like?
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2006, 09:28:42 AM »
Surprisingly, Canada does not have the US import ban on receivers/barrels for so called "assault weapons" that were banned (and still are banned) from import under the 1989 Assault weapon ban (and you thought it was over, right?).

SO the Canadians get VZ-58s for something like $595 - and that is in funny money (or canadian dollars; about $ 0.60 cents US last time I visited that country).  Here is the ad on their sit and NO - they do not sell to the USA!!!

Oh well. What else can they get? Everything Norinco makes including the Norinco 1911 which has a very good steel frame.

Seems liek most Cnadian laws suck, but at least they have VZs made right in the factory.

Offline angus hobdell

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Angus, what other guns do you like?
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2006, 09:26:16 AM »
Ya I saw that and contacted them mysself. There is a way and it is the route I will take, you can buy a finished semi auto reviever with the fron not finihed, but a parts kit which are available right now but for how long I ahve no idea, and have the 2 pieces welded together.
HAve to do it through a ffl who will ahve to register but it is th eonly way and will cost a darn sight more then the CZ 58 should sell for.....
Angus Duhhhh!