Author Topic: Invitation on 3-Gun Match in the Czech Republic  (Read 2193 times)

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Offline lukipsc

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Invitation on 3-Gun Match in the Czech Republic
« on: March 27, 2007, 01:33:54 AM »
Dear friends,
We are planning to organize 3 GUN tournament this year again. The date 2. -  5.8. 2007 is already fixed. The match will be situated in military area Boletce nearby Cesky Krumlov like last year.

In case you are not interested in shooting shotgun or rifle you can use the opportunity to shoot only handgun Superleague match on Saturday 4.8.2007.

We are waiting for the approval of president of the Czech IPSC Association. More info will be available at our website
3Gun match web site

You are really welcome to take part either in 3 GUN 2007 tournament or in Superleague handgun match.

Please, be so kind to let us know if you are planning in advance to come

Kind regards

Eva Turkova

On behalf of the organizers of 3 GUN 2007

Dear shooters,
we can offer you following guns which we received from the main sponsor of the match, Ceska zbrojovka Uhersky Brod :

> CZ 75 Tactical Sports 9 mm
> CZ 75SP-01

In case of your interest, you can contact us at
 *** STILL VALID ***
Hi friends,
Let me inform you about news regarding of our CZ 3-GUN 2007 in Boletice. The match is planned for 2. 4. 8.2007.
After meeting all terms we will get an approval of President of APSCR. After that the Tournament as well as the Superleague match will be registered in the international calendar as level III matches. We hope it will be within 10 days.
The latest new is the option for competitors to attend only part of the Tournament ( it means it is possible to shoot individual pistol or shotgun or rifle match or the combination ).
The entry fee for the Tounament is 100 EUR, for each individual match is 40 EUR. It means the entry fee for the Superleague match is also 40 EUR. The reason for this fact is that we prefer the Tournament to individual matches.
Each individual match as well as the Tournament will be evaluated.
Our website will be updated within couple of days.
See you in Boletice
On behalf of organizers
Eva Turkova
Match Name: CZ 3 GUN 20007
Level: III
Region: Czech Republic
City: Boletice, Cesky Krumlov
Match Date: 2007-08-02   (3 days)  
Discipline: Tournament
Minimum Rounds: 350
Number of Stages: 25
Entry Fee (Local): 100 EUR
Entry Fee (USD): 125
Registration Deadline: 2007-07-15
Contact Name: Milan Trkulja
Contact E-mail:  
Contact Fax: +420 286 922 679
Web Site:


Offline William Chase

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Invitation on 3-Gun Match in the Czech Republic
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 07:49:54 AM »
Thank you so much for the invitation, Eva (is that right, or did I mix up who sent what?)!

I only wish I could actually:

A) afford the trip


B) shoot well enough to avoid embarrassing myself! :rollin

Seriously, with all the Czech folks here in central TX, I've long had an affinity for things Czech (not to metion my college g/f, a Kapusta!).

Thanks again!
"The right to buy weapons is the right to be free". A.E van Vogt
CZ75 P-01   CZ52 (53)  S&W 642  
1903 M96B Carl Gustaf Swedish Mauser Remington 870 Wingmaster 12Ga
USPSA Area 4, Brazosland Pistoleros

Offline Kajka

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Invitation on 3-Gun Match in the Czech Republic
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2007, 09:48:15 PM »
How to take a gun to R

Gun Permit
Temporary Import of Firearms and Ammunition in the Czech Republic
(Firearms Act No. 119/2002 Coll.  Section 46  Firearms and ammunition transit)

For the holders of European Firearms Permit

Firearms imported by the holder of the European Firearms Permit shall be listed in his European Firearms Permit. The holder of the European Firearms Permit shall submit an officially authenticated invitation of the sports event organizer.
Notice: Everyone that transports a firearm and ammunition through the state frontier of the Czech Republic is obliged to notify the police in the frontier of the Czech Republic of this fact and at the same time to show the firearm, ammunition and the European Firearms Permit and an officially authenticated invitation to the control.
The firearms transit permit for the participation in the international event in the sports shooting is free of administrative charges.
For the holders of other licences - "National Firearms Permits"

Everyone that owns the Firearms Accompanying Document  Zbrojn prvodn list  ZPL (hereinafter referred to as ZPL) can temporarily import and use firearms and ammunition for the stated purpose.
ZPL can be issued before your departure by an embassy of the Czech Republic in your country or by a unit of the Police of the Czech Republic in the frontier when you enter the Czech Republic (also the airport).
ZPL is issued on the basis of an application that shall be submitted on a special form (FORM-eng; FORM-esp; FORM-fra; FORM-ger; this form is always one sheet of paper printed on both sides) and accompanied by an officially authenticated invitation of the sports event organizer and by the National Firearms Permit.
For the travel with a firearm to the countries of the European Union (Czech Republic is a member of the European Union since May 1, 2004)

When they are controlled on the outer frontier of the European Union, the participants from the third countries who travel to the member state of the European Union shall submit the permit of each member state in or through whose territory they are going to travel with a firearm or ammunition. Note: in the case of air transport, this permit is constituted only by ZPL according to the clauses 4,5 and 6.
Notice 1: Everyone that transports a firearm and ammunition through the state frontier of the Czech Republic is obliged to notify the police in the frontier of the Czech Republic of this fact and at the same time to show the firearm, ammunition, ZPL and an officially authenticated invitation to the control.
Notice 2: Every holder of ZPL shall return it to the police on the frontier when leaving the Czech Republic.
The firearms transit permit for the participation in the international eventin sports shooting is free of administrative charges.


Fragment from Matt Burkett's blog about CZEO 2005 (

Flying to the Czech Republic with guns was exceedingly easy. All you need is an invitation to the match which I printed out at home from the www.3gun.CZ website and then go to the police station in the airport and they will get you checked in and issue you a firearms transportation permit. Took about 15 minutes and I was out of the airport. When you are in the country for competition there are no fees for the permit. The people in CZ seem very positive about guns and sport shooting.

Offline Kajka

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Invitation on 3-Gun Match in the Czech Republic
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2007, 04:23:29 AM »
Register to the match will be possible since 1.4.2007

Dear Shooters, Friends and All Shooting Sports Enthusiasts,

I would like to welcome you in the most cordial way as in the last years also for this years such an unique event as is the IPSC Tournament covering three different firearms. There is no need to highlight how much is this competition unique at least here in Europe as this 3-Gun event is held at the same shooting range and also on the same dates. This year we already have 3rd year of this Tournament held under the same name like it was in the last year, i.e. CZ 3-GUN 2007. The Tournament will take place, as is tradition at the shooting range at the military reservation of Boletice quite near magnificent and historical town of esk Krumlov, which retains its medieval charm and is declared by UNESCO as the town reserve. The Tournament itself is prepared for you by joint efforts of the Practical Shooting Club SQUAD, Military Police of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic stationed in the town of Tbor, headed by col. Neubauer and traditional sponsors as are esk zbrojovka a.s., Uhersk Brod and the Proarms Company.

For this years event we have prepared for you a few changes which are a slight diversion against previous years. The biggest change is that the shooters will have options to be enlisted to only individual competitions in various tournament firearms or only to the entire Tournament. This will allow specialist in individual firearms to compare with shooters who shoot all IPSC firearms and are real masters in their field. Individual competitions, including the whole Tournament will be announced separately at the opening ceremony.

As is our tradition, there will be the CZ 858 Tactical rifle in 7,69 x 39 made by Ceska Zbrojovka, which will be at disposal for this event to those who cannot brink its own rifle, and we will as well inform you in time about possibilities to borrow also shotguns. In the same manner as it was in the last year the ammunition for all three types of firearms will be offered by the Cairo Trading Company. Those interested in acquiring ammunition can through the use of Tournament website communicate all their needs covering ammunition for individual firearms directly with the Cairo Company.

Since there was a certain delay in the approval procedures due to the protracted discussions between this Tournament organizers and APS R management (Association of Practical Shooting of the Czech Republic) consequently resulting in a time shortage for the actual preparation of this Tournament when compared to the last years. However, the whole organizational team promises to spare no efforts in order that everybody taking part in this great event be satisfied. Again we will prepare at least 25 demanding situations, which will be shot in the course of three days and the Tournament will be traditionally closed by a big and informal socializing party for Shooters, Organizers, Range Officers and Sponsors.

I take this opportunity to call all those interested in taking part in this Tournament to pay regular attention to this Tournament website. There you will find all current information or as case may be changes arising and be actual in the course of Tournament preparation. Please watch closely all of our instructions and observe them! Our main objective is to prepare for you a high quality 3-Gun Tournament with various shooting experiences and with a lot of fun and enjoyment.

Thank you for your attention to these lines, I am looking forward to meet you all at Boletice.


Ji er  TD.


CZ 3GUN 2007
Boletice, esk Krumlov

Offline lukipsc

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Invitation on 3-Gun Match in the Czech Republic
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2007, 01:21:45 PM »
BILL: it is not Eva :)  if you want contact her I recomment you directly on her mail



Offline William Chase

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Invitation on 3-Gun Match in the Czech Republic
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2007, 04:48:09 PM »
That's OK, I was just trying to keep the names straight!

So, thanks, Luk!
"The right to buy weapons is the right to be free". A.E van Vogt
CZ75 P-01   CZ52 (53)  S&W 642  
1903 M96B Carl Gustaf Swedish Mauser Remington 870 Wingmaster 12Ga
USPSA Area 4, Brazosland Pistoleros

Offline Kajka

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Invitation on 3-Gun Match in the Czech Republic
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2007, 11:16:50 AM »
You can register to the match now. We are ready  :D

Offline Kajka

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Invitation on 3-Gun Match in the Czech Republic
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2007, 02:25:39 AM »
shooting range:
Loc: 4850'12.07"N,1411'12.36"E

Loc: 4849'23.14"N,1413'38.52"E

number of shooters

Czech Republic   30  
  Germany   16  
  Poland   8  
  Netherlands   8  
  Slovenia   6  
  Finland   5  
  Switzerland   3  
  United Kingdom   3  
  Slovak Republic   1  
  United States   1  
  South Africa   1  
  Austria   1  
  Norway   1  

Offline Kajka

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Invitation on 3-Gun Match in the Czech Republic
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2007, 02:07:03 AM »
Dear shooters,
we can offer you following guns which we received from the main sponsor of the match, Ceska zbrojovka Uhersky Brod :

> CZ 75 Tactical Sports 9 mm
> CZ 75SP-01
> magazines SP 01

In case of your interest, you can contact us at