I have been involved in a discussion on a local forum concerning DA hammer position for CZ pistols primarily for IDPA. My point is, since CZ decocker guns decock to the hammer safety notch, shouldn't CZs with manual safeties also begin with the hammer in the same position. The instruction manual for the 75, 85 state to lower the hammer fully down, but if that is best, shouldn't the decocker lower the hammer fully down also? Seems that I saw somewhere that European IPSC requires CZ hammers to begin fully down, and that USPSA is going to have the same requirement, if they don't already. I don't think IDPA has made any particular ruling on the subject yet but I don't want to be challenged by an SO at a match so would like to hear some feed back on the subject. I contacted CZ a couple of years ago and asked if is permissable to lower the gun to the safety notch rather than fully down and the person I spoke with didn't think it was a problem, so I have been shooting IDPA SSP that way since including a major match without being challenged on it. I prefer to start with the hammer in the safety notch position for a couple of reasons but I am going to change to hammer fully down until this resolved, at least in my mind.