... but I'm getting better!
I got a set of Bolle' Vigilante sun-/protective-glasses with a prescription insert, and the scrip from my opthalmologist for prime focus on my front sight. Due to "life stuff," I haven't had hardly any range time since I got them.
My club had a practice/fun match this weekend, and while I still suck, my performance was improving with each stage, both in terms of accuracy and penalties. I aced the final stage, with no penalties and a respectable time. (Of course, this stage was nicknamed "card game gone bad;" three cardboards set around a barrel, hands on barrel, draw and put 6 in one freehand, reload, 6 in another strong hand, reload, 6 in the remaining, weak hand. I could almost touch the targets with my SP-01, but hey!)
I think I like my new glasses!