Author Topic: SELF TRAINING  (Read 4711 times)

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Offline Richard Dillon

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« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2003, 12:06:18 PM »
Folks, I perused Jim Crew's web site at the suggestion of some on this forum, and wrote him a quick note this morning requesting a quote for some of his material.  He has a Valentine's Saturday special going for four of his books on a view only CD for $15.00.  Jim's email and paypal address is  "" I thought you all might like to take advantage of this offer, so I'm posting his note here.  He replied to me, and I have copied his reply in this message:

"I have had several requests for pricing over the last couple of days, so I thought I would put this out to the whole group.
Hope you guys dont mind.
The question that has been asked is, Do we still offer the 4 book CDROM, which books are on the CD and what is the price?
Yes and it is normally $19.95 delivered via personal check, $21.70 via paypal.
The 4 books are:
Some Of The Answer, Handgun
Some Of The Answer, Urban Carbine
Some Of The Answer, Urban Shotgun
From Behind the Line, Technical Notes and Commentary

You can get a description and further details off the web site at
However, because all of you guys here on the AR15 List are such good guys, and the fact that we had a big error on our last order, we have 200 extra CDs available.
So, for those that would like one, and have not taken the plunge, here is a Valentine weekend special for you guys or your wives if they did not get you the requested shooting accessory.
If you order one of the 4 book CDs this weekend using PayPal, we will send out the 4 book CD for $15 flat rate and that includes the PayPal fee and shipping. You can feel free to pass this along to all your friends and relatives and to other lists, but this is a 2-15 morning through Midnight 2-16 special only.
Jim Crews
Marksmans Enterprise
PO Box 556
Stevensville, Montana
Phone 406-777-3557"

This is a substantial savings over the printed material, and it will allow those of us with limited budget to take advantage of his training materials at a much reduced cost.


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« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2003, 07:19:54 PM »
I recently picked up Brian Enos' book -- Practical Shooting: Beyond Fundamentals.   I can't say enough nice things about it.

After you've read Jim Crews book -- which is the fundamentals -- Brian's book is a wonderful next step.

Its reasonable and available at his web site:  


If you're into IDPA or IPSC and can't get the personal instruction that would be best, this is the way