Author Topic: 75st Ipsc mags hanging up.  (Read 1952 times)

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75st Ipsc mags hanging up.
« on: January 28, 2003, 01:55:52 PM »
My IPSC just stopped dropping the empty mags.  When you hit the mag release button nothing happens and you have to pull the mag out with your finger.  Does not help my IPSC times.  I scrubbed the mag well and Break Freed all of my mags and they still hang up.  It seems to be exerting excess pressure on the mag up by the feed lips on all mags even the new ones.  The Slide catch spring seems to be OK.  It's the older version with the steel recoil guide rod.


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75st Ipsc mags hanging up.
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2003, 02:48:50 PM »
Since I've never handled or stripped an IPSC model, I can't be sure this is a worthwhile suggestion, but...

Had this happen with a CZ-40B -- the bushings in the grip had loosened, and moved inward... allowing the grip screws (which are in hard rubber grips) to go in a bit farther than they should.  The mags wouldn't drop.


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75st Ipsc mags hanging up.
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2003, 02:53:11 PM »
Your mags - are they the ones with a 1" long floor plate (10 rounders).  I had the same problems with them as they really should have made full metal to the bottom.

My suggestion if to take off about 1mm off the backside of the mag base.  You will notice that this is the spot that is making contact with the frame and is hanging up.  My mags ALL drop free now.  So much for the drop-free advertising, eh?

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75st Ipsc mags hanging up.
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2003, 05:54:02 AM »
I took some material off on the inside of my sideplates as my gun behaved the same way when new, if I tightened the screws hard. Have had no more trouble. You will see on the inside if and where the mag touches the sideplate, use a sharp knife and take away small amounts.


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75st Ipsc mags hanging up.
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2003, 08:43:30 PM »
You do not need to alter your mags, & the screw holding the grips on aren't your problem.  2 reasons why the mags are hanging up.

1) There is a flat spring inside the grip that sits right behind the back of the mag (between the mag & the hammer strut/spring).  If that spring is bowed too much it will rub up against the mag & prevent it from dropping free.  You can bend it a little towards the hammer strut.  Take off the left grip panel & insert a mag; if the flat spring is bowed too much you will see the mag dragging on it as you insert it.

2)  You are pushing the mag release in too far & the inside of the mag release (the inside being inside the grip) will push against the mag & hold it there.  2 solutions: either take the mag spring out & bend the side that is closest to the mag button (that will shorten the travel of the mag release) or take the mag release out & grind off approx an eigth of an inch from the inside so that even if you push hard, there is not any metal that will drag on your mag.

Hope this helps.

BTW - this is the best pistol I have ever had & I've had them all in the past 35 years.
