im not criticizing im playing devils advocate i certanly didnt call any of the comps "games" i didnt say they were all bad in any way i have nothing against them.
Devil's advocate, huh. Okay.
I call them games because that's what they are. So is professional football and NASCAR. Nothing negative intended with that use of the term.
They're GUN games. People keep score. There's a winner and a bunch of losers. If everybody does it right, nobody gets hurt (unlike Pro Football or Nascar.) But these games have a purpose and they're almost always a learning experience. Sometimes they're a lot of fun -- like games used to be when we were kids. Sometimes they're not.
but from many people i do know that compete in them the good ones tell me that you have to work hard not to form bad habbits that will help you in competition but hurt in real life.
Bad habits are easy to develop even when you DON'T shoot competitively.
I know and have shot with a bunch of master class shooters. I've had several classes from an internationally ranked Master IPSC shooter. These guys seem to look at it differently than the folks you know. Wonder why?
The next time you see one of these "many people who compete," ask him for some examples for us. It might good fodder for further discussion.
Sometimes even GOOD HABITS can do you in:
I've got a friend who uses only the Weaver stance when he shoots. When he shot with us in an IDPA match a while back, and had to shoot using his weak hand, he couldn't hit crap.
The Weaver Stance is highly regarded by many shooters. Its a good technique.. but not if its your only technique.
He was so used to the "dynamic tension" of the Weaver method, nothing else would work for him. If he couldn't get his feet and arms just right, he felt awkward. He just shot like crap. The same thing happened when he had to shoot from the left side of a barrier -- he had to expose himself to engage the target. And he just could do anything with his left hand.
I now shoot almost as well with my left hand as I do with my right. (I'm a
lot slower left-handed, but almost as accurate.) That techinque -- from IDPA Competition -- might save my life someday.
if you view me incompetant becuase i dont have a ambi saftely installed on my gun or because i dont ride the saftey yet so be it.
I made no judgements about your competency.
I simply said its clear you don't compete. That's because there's no way you would be COMPETITIVE if you were left-handed and shooting a SA gun without an ambi-safety.
You confirmed that I was right.