Author Topic: carrying weapon cocked, safety off?  (Read 5919 times)

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Offline JH

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carrying weapon cocked, safety off?
« on: April 30, 2002, 11:59:41 AM »
I was thinking the other day that many people(especially police officers) carry Glock pistols that have no safety other than keeping your finger off the trigger.  what difference would it make carrying non-Glock firearms cocked and with the safety off?  let's say that you would be using a quality holster that secures the trigger area well.  I have a 75B, a PCR and a Colt Series 80  Govt model, all have firing pin safeties.  what do you folks think?  I have never carried in this fashion myself.  I carry my CZ's with the hammer down and my Colt cocked and locked. thanks.


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carrying weapon cocked, safety off?
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2002, 04:46:15 PM »
While the firing pin safety will offer protection from dropping, the light, single action of the CZ may present a problem, should the trigger be swept in any fashion, when holstering or drawing.  My advice would be to train with the gun C&L'd.  You lose virtually no time taking the safety off...


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carrying weapon cocked, safety off?
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2002, 06:35:45 PM »
What Glockguy said...

More basically, the Glocks you mentioned aren't really cocked.  The firing pin is "staged," but until the trigger is pulled, the striker is NOT ready to be released.  Pulling the trigger on the Glock completes the final part of the "cocking" cycle for the striker, and then releases it as part of the same motion.  That's different than a single-action weapon (like your 75B or 1911, cocked and locked.)

As Glockguy suggests, an accidental sweep of the trigger could cause problems that a drop might not.  And most of the Negligent Discharges I've heard about with Glocks had to do with that sort of accidental pressing of the trigger.  

Same thing could arguably happen with any SINGLE ACTION mode gun with the safety off.


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carrying weapon cocked, safety off?
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2002, 01:17:15 AM »
I have occassionally had the same thought/question as you do, JH. I think almost every person is going to suggest as Glockguy23 and Walt that an SA should be carried locked. I would add two more reasons: the SA trigger press is much shorter than the Glock making them slightly more suceptable to a negligent discharge than a Glock. Another reason for carrying locked is if your gun ends up in the BG's hand, you "may" have time to draw your backup or reacquire/fight for the gun if he doesn't know or think to disengage the safety. Though I can't cite specific reports, I have heard antedotal evidence of that scenario periodically occurring.

Having said that, I think you have a valid question. All mechanical safeties are liable to breakage. The most important safety is between your ears. If you obey rule three 100% of the time (finger off the trigger (out of the trigger guard and registered along the frame) until your sights are on target), you could "theoretically" carry condition 0 without a negligent discharge. But as Glockguy23 said, with proper practice, the safety will not add any time to your shooting.

Since condition 0 buys nothing in speed and yet provides more possibilities for a negligent discharge, condition 1 is the proper way to carry a SA. Besides, I feel good about the protocol when I am training or practicing on presentations, shooting, and status checks. It is just "cool" having to engage and disengage the safety, at least it is for me. :)  But then, I use the autoshift (manual shifting without a clutch) on my Dodge instead of putting the tranny in drive.


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carrying weapon cocked, safety off?
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2002, 12:27:43 PM »
Tops you carry a CZ and drive a Dodge? What a cool guy!

yes, i don't trust any safety...per se.

Common sense and safe gunhandling usually prevent problems.

My 97B is SA ONLY. I'm thinking of the same for my Witness.

The thumb safeties on both are very on my
older CZ75s.

Cocked n locked is not for everyone..but cocked and unlocked. is NOT for Me, for sure!
if you have a safety feature..go ahead an use it.

Offline JH

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carrying weapon cocked, safety off?
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2002, 02:18:46 PM »
I appreciate your comments guys.  I don't see changing my carrying condition, was just curious.