Author Topic: IDPA Courses of Fire - Gurnemanz  (Read 3123 times)

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IDPA Courses of Fire - Gurnemanz
« on: May 28, 2002, 04:41:46 PM »
I've received several private emails from folks using the ezboard message system recently -- but they haven't included their email addresses...  and there's no way to respond to the privatemail messages from ezboard.

If you're trying to contact me privately, be sure to include your email address -- if you want a reply.

Gurnemanz:  you mentioned converting Excel images to .pdf.

I left them in Excel format so that anyone using them can CHANGE them to adapt the COFs to their unique situations.

I can easily convert the specific courses of fire to GIF or JPG or just about anything else (except PDF <grin>), if that is needed.  Leaving them in their native form gives a potential user -- if he or she has Excel -- a lot of latitude.