I'm interested in purchasing a compact CZ in 9mm. I like the look of the PO-1. I can't find a dealer around here that stocks the CZ's, so I'm thinking of ordering one sight unseen from Bud's, where I got my single action. I have a CZ75 B SA, which I like very much, but I'm now looking for a smaller, compact piece to join it. I have smaller hands, and grip size of my 75 SA is o.k. for me, but I would like a more comfortable handle that would be a little thinner in circum . I tried different size, and thinner wood grips from the CZ Custom Shop on my 75 SA, but I went back to the factory stock grips, for I grip the gun more securely with them on the pistol. my question, would the PO-1 frame be thinner in the grip than my 75 SA, or is the 9mm compact PO-1, and the 75 Compact basically the same size pistol as my 75 SA, but with only a shorter barrel, and height? Would the Compact 75, and the compact PO-1 grip the same as my SA, or a little thinner in the handle? Thanks, TC