If I was CZ, I would develop such a conversion. Better grips would be nice too, maybe crimson traces.
It's not really the same CZ... The CZ that built the CZ-52 is the same one that built their highly regarded long guns, the CZ-50 and the CZ-70. That company was converted by its Communist owners to building motorcycles and heavy equipment. The current line of CZ-75, 82, 83, is a different member of what is now a private corporation -- they kept the name and some of the history, but the CZ that built the 52 is not the CZ that built the CZ-75.
CZ-BRNO is very unlikely to have any commercial interest in developing a gun on what is basically a milsurp round -- one that while powerful is not a proven self-defense round. The strange thing about the Tok round is that ONLY the Soviets [and the Chinese] used it much at all, and they were much more focused on long guns and, later, submachine guns, for comabt use.
The Tok round would probably be pretty effective in taking out a car engine, but probably no better at stopping a person than the .357 SIG round. Or the .40 round, 10mm, or the 9mm +P. Much of its power will be expended AFTER it has gone through the 'perp' and it may literally be "OVERKILL."
Its like having 800 horsepower in a car, but little thin hard tires -- all that force isn't doing you much good, if you can't make it work for you.
Now, if you need to take out a concrete block wall...