Author Topic: What off the shelf ammo does the P-01 perform well with??  (Read 2678 times)

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What off the shelf ammo does the P-01 perform well with??
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2008, 03:58:13 PM »
Quote from: DirksterG30
I've shot the following ammo through my P-01:  
  Remington 147gr. Golden Saber JHP (my carry ammo),  
Winchester White Box 115gr. FMJ,  
  UltraMax LRN reloads (I think they are 115gr.),  
  Remington UMC 115gr. FMJ,  
  Blazer Aluminum 115gr. FMJ.  
  The only ammo that has ever given me problems is the Blazer aluminum; everything else has worked perfectly in my CZ (I have about 1,500 rounds through it).

Hopefully this is not too noob of a question.   124 gr seems to be standard fare for the 9mm, so out of curiosity why do you go with the 147 gr?  Also, is the additional "punch" provided by the +P round significant enough to consider?  If so, would a 147gr +P (if it even exists) be a good match of bullet weight + velocity?  I mean, we're not going to get the ballistic performance of a .45, but wouldn't this be a good compromise?

Offline Calhoun

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What off the shelf ammo does the P-01 perform well with??
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2008, 05:34:26 PM »
Also, is the additional "punch" provided by the +P round significant enough to consider? If so, would a 147gr +P (if it even exists) be a good   match of bullet weight + velocity?
I think that +p is worth the extra punch that it gives. As far as a bullet weight goes, I would stick with either 124 gr or the 147 gr. Depending on which worked better in your weapon (more accurate and reliable). You also have to consider controlability, however. If it's eaier to make follow up shots with a standard pressure cartridge, that is probably the way to go for you. Remember, it's all about shot placement, not cartridge power.  
whats wrong with the Blazer Aluminum ?
I know some peopple have had issues with this in their gun, but it has always worked for me. YMMV

Offline ozymandias

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What off the shelf ammo does the P-01 perform well with??
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2008, 09:09:43 PM »
Mine tests good with Blue Tip Glazers, Federal 124gr. Hydra-Shok, and Hornady TAP.  I've run enough of each through my gun to be confident.