Hi all!
This is my first post, I've been lurking for a while and decided to join, then had trouble signing on for what ever reason. Well it seems that problem has passed and just in time for me to share. I just recently got a new CZ 40B from a little known company "Live to shoot". They are a great company, with the best customer service. My 40B was made in 05 and is everything I thought it would be. I have been kicking the idea around ever since I saw it on the cover of Guns and Ammo Hand guns magazine Sep 01 edition. Well I took the plunge and couldn't be happier

. For a pistol of such lo cost I am surprised at how well it is made and preforms. It is one great looking weapon and it shoots just as good as it looks. I picked it up at my FFL this past Friday the 18th and took it to the range the next day. Before I shot it I broke it down and gave it a through cleaning, then on to the firing line. I put a silhouette target out about 30 feet and was pleasantly surprised at how accurate this weapon is! I was able to group anywhere on the target I chose during slow fire. On a more brisk pace I still kept everything in the "kill zone". I went through around 75 rounds, the first 50 were 180grn semi flat nose rounds, I think the mfg was star? Brass cased quality ammo. The last 25 were federal 180 grn hollow point. I did have 3 FTF during the session but I attribute that to a "break in period". Not a huge deal, to correct the problem on the line all that was needed was a slight tap on the rear of the slide and then it went into battery (and I mean a slight tap). I have red on this bord that you really cant judge it until you have gone through a 250 rounds or so break in period. Does this sound right? Well all in all I love it! It feels great in my hand, points very naturally, light recoil, great sights and is balls on accurate. as soon as I finished shooting I sat down and gave my 40B a through cleaning, I mean a Q tip job. It also breaks down with ease, I can't believe I only paid $289 for this fine weapon, what a steal! Then of Croce shipping, transfer ect. The 3 FTF's got me to thinking so I started reading some of the posts here with similar issues and found some people are installing Wolf 18 or 20lb recoil springs to help correct the FTF issues. I did also find that some are polishing the feed ramp to help. Well that evening I got out my trusty Dremmel, a felt pad, the rubbing compound and polishing compound. I worked on the ramp, upper part of the ramp and chamber opening. It was on the rough side from the factory, I was kind of surprised. Well it is as smooth as glass now and to give it a "dry run" I loaded up one mag with a full 10 rounds of 180grn JHP then cycled the slide until it locked back after the last round. They all fed and ejected like butter, now all I have to do is get back to the range for a live fire test. I have a feeling I won't have any more bobbles. If I do what would you do next? Maybe a new stronger Wolf recoil spring? If so what # would you recommend and how do I fit it? Here's a few pics.

Thanks from a proud new CZ owner