Author Topic: Need Suggestions on getting the Mrs. to shoot.  (Read 36692 times)

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Offline drd

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Re: Need Suggestions on getting the Mrs. to shoot.
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2009, 10:03:26 AM »
I think there are several things that are very important in getting the wife to enjoy shooting : the recoil, grip, ease of racking, and size is important.

Many people suggest the Ruger or Buckmark .22 but try to rack them. they are very hard to rack.

The grip is also important for a woman's hand, which are not the same ave size as males.

The recoil of the .22 is nil if the gun has heft but so is the recoil of a .32 with some heft.

Size is also important to feel and fear; i.e. a polymer XDM or Glock may be light but large looking to a woman, compare that the a SIG 232, PPK, or CZ 83.  They just look more manageable.

My wife believes that her CZ 83 in .32 cal, fits her hand well, its size is not imposing, but it is all steel  not only  steady in aiming but heft makes it recoil like a .22.  It is reasonable to rack, simple to clean, and reliable as heck.

For one deciding to get one pistol, why start with a .22, why not get a decent defensive 15 round pistol for the same money. Some believe the .32 penetrates better than the .380 and the FPE is only slightly less.

Unfortunately, the CZ 83 will no longer be offered in .32 in the near future.

Offline Thren68

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Re: Need Suggestions on getting the Mrs. to shoot.
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2009, 08:41:26 AM »
It's not so much about light, but about ergonomics.  If she can't hold it comfortably it'll just add one stress point.

The XD and CZ's are very good for fit on smaller handed folks.  Although I agree that the XD has alot of size/bulk that might be offputting.

Never had a problem with Ruger MK series bolt cycling.  It's very easy for myself or any of my female friends.  I would not recommend the PPK, the shear blast and recoil is too much for some folks unless you're referring exclusively to the 32cal version.

The CZ-83 is a very good choice, especially in 32acp.  However ammo might get pricey.  For defensive shooting I wouldn't look at anything less than 38spl or 380auto.

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Re: Need Suggestions on getting the Mrs. to shoot.
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2009, 05:42:49 PM »

I always felt the Walther PPKS 380 was very sweet shooting (same size slide, longer frame then the PPK). My little sister and several female friends loved shooting my PPKS and didn't have any problems with it at all. The only person that had a problem was my older brother who was stupid enough to place his thumb alongside the slide... yeah that little puppy sliced his thumb up real nice. Oh well, what did I expect from a card carring lib  :D
CZ 75 SP01 Shadow, strong enough for a man, but she likes it too!