Author Topic: Need suggestions to get the Mrs. to shoot with me.  (Read 42374 times)

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Offline Drozd

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Re: Need suggestions to get the Mrs. to shoot with me.
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2009, 08:44:31 AM »
A very useful thread, if not for my wife (who would probably go shooting with me quite willingly), than for the thoughts it includes.
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Offline recoilguy

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Re: Need suggestions to get the Mrs. to shoot with me.
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2009, 10:01:52 AM »
I agree with almost everything written so far. There is a gal here in my office whose husband wanted her to learn to shoot. She just refused to do it. It turned out it was because shhe didn't want him to teach her for what ever her reason was. I told her I wouldd take to the range and help her get confidence so she could shot with her husband and she would have to go through the entire learning a new thing with him drill. We went to the range 7 times this summer, I taught her how to handle and load a weapon, how to be sure it is safe at all times, grip, hold, hand placement, how to aim and pull the trigger. where to buy bullets how to know which ones to get. we even had to talk about what to wear as she had a hot casing make its way into a pretty embarrassing spot one day. Now she can shot both a .22 and a 9mm very well. She has purchased her own weapon, and shot with her husband before her deployed. He was very happy and she was too. I taught my daughter to shot and asked my wife to come along to be sure I was doing ok with my daughter. She watched my daughter and before long was shooting with us too! Very cool!

all 3 read and a few other blogs about women who shoot. They have realized the gun isn't the problem. It can be the solution if handled correctly. Lastly it is just fun to go and shot. they like shooting stuff now.

Good luck with you wife, be patient it only takes a couple well planned and well played shots to hook them.

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Offline chris42

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Re: Need suggestions to get the Mrs. to shoot with me.
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2012, 06:40:45 PM »
How about getting an air pistol for practice around home?

If you have enough yard, there is no need to take the time to go to the range, use noise suppressors, etc. You can set up a few soda cans and do some plinking. Make it fun. Go over basic safety stuff with the preface that "If we go out shooting, you don't want to appear to be the complete novice..."

You can take time yourself to have some fun plinking and she can join you or not. Make it available without any pressure.

The other instructor idea is good too. My wife went to an "Introduction to handguns" class at a local club. Some of these females (mine included) have issues with their guy knowing too much, teaching them too much or apparent dependency on the guy, etc. Not completely clear what it is, but sometimes these things can't be pushed.

Finding a female friend of hers that shoots and would go along to the range would eb a good thing too.

I would expect it to be a slow process, but be pleased if it isn't.

Offline Hayfield123

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Re: Need suggestions to get the Mrs. to shoot with me.
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2012, 07:48:52 PM »
My wife, after many conversations, said she'd like to go to the range with my son and me.  She really likes the feel of my Kimber Tactical Ultra II, but I was concerned that a first trip to the range, firing a .45, might turn into a last trip to the range.  I took her to a local gun shop and let her handle various .22LR pistols.  She decided she really liked the Walther P22, so I bought one. 

I have her scheduled for a firearms intro class, because, as someone posted already in this thread:

Another issue might

No offense intended, but having her hubby as the coach might be adding intimidation and stress onto her thoughts about shooting.  You might see if she'd be more comfortable with a friend or even professional instructor doing the initial work.

I've had to reschedule because she has been under the weather . . . a nasty sinus infection that is actually making her teeth hurt . . . and they have tried a couple different antibiotics . . .  but she is looking forward to it, as am I.   I told her she could shoot anything I have, and the range will let her shoot three different pistols after her class - but she'll learn the basics with a very nice .22LR that she likes the feel of.   As a matter of fact, I like how the Walther P22 feels, too!

I even bought her a set of electronic earmuffs for Christmas for hearing protection . . . I've fallen in love with those things.  My hearing has gotten so crappy from many hours of noise exposure in an EC-135 aircraft, that it was a wonder and a pleasure to actually be able to carry on a conversation with someone at the range!  Those things are great!

With luck, Mrs. Hayfield will be shooting my P-06 by summer!  ;D
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Offline SCmalinois

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Re: Need suggestions to get the Mrs. to shoot with me.
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2012, 05:00:45 PM »
As another member suggested, obtain a gun of her choosing.  My wife took a liking to a Marlin 60 that I put a red dot on.  Simple, no recoil, very accurate and lots of fun to shoot.  Then on to revolvers.  First a Ruger Single Six, then a Ruger SP101 - in .357!  Now she likes to shoot my SP-01 Tactical and Para 14-45 1911.  She now has a CCW permit and enjoys trying different guns.  But every range trip begins with 40-50 rounds through the Marlin just to show off.

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Offline Thren68

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Re: Need suggestions to get the Mrs. to shoot with me.
« Reply #20 on: June 21, 2012, 09:17:06 PM »
Easiest way is to simply shop around and BUY her a professional class.  Look for female oriented classes, basic shooting skills.  LGS's, clubs, regional organizations, friendly LEO, ect can often give you pointers on where to look in your area.

It's kinda like adding a gun to your safe.  Once it's bought and in hand, she can't complain too much about it.  :)  Make sure you take her out to dinner afterwards to reward her and get her feedback.

Speaking from experience, there are very FEW females who don't actually enjoy shooting once they've been introduced and trained in a setting like this.  It'll be the best $150-ish you ever spent towards your hobby.

Offline drcook

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Re: Need suggestions to get the Mrs. to shoot with me.
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2012, 01:14:51 PM »
I got my wife to become my spotter for BPCR shooting and had a rifle built to her size. I also bought her a "pink" handgun because her name is Mary Kay and took her to the range to shoot. We started with smaller calibers, nothing that would hurt. Prior to us getting married 17 yrs ago, she had never been around firearms, except for treating trauma victims in ER in the ghettoland of Cleveland Oh when she worked at one of the inner city hospitals.

I would get the firearms out and have them sit on the table and such to reinforce the fact that they are nothing but an inanimate piece of metal, in and of themselves. Eventually she became comfortable and accepting with firearms and enjoys shooting.

NEVER EVER let someone give your wife a weapon to shoot that will cause her physical discomfort / hurt from the recoil / operation. That will be the end of her shooting with you....
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Offline Hayfield123

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Re: Need suggestions to get the Mrs. to shoot with me.
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2012, 10:56:30 AM »
A late update on the experience getting my wife to the range - on Father's Day, my wife, son, and daughter took me to the range.  While checking in at the gun shop, I saw a used S&W Model 19 .357 with a 6" barrel in the case, calling to me!  I bought it on the spot - but that is another story. 

We went to the range, and the rangemaster, who had given my wife her class,  offered to work with her, since we were the only folks there.  They started at the station next to me.  She was getting in to it, as I tried out the new S&W revolver.  After a while, some other folks came in, and the range master had to leave.  I went over to my wife's station and as she was shooting, some idiot shooting a Desert Eagle, started shooting, up near his bench, but took a step back with each shot . . . and once there was no divider between his pistol and my wife's head, the sound was LOUD, even with foam plugs and electronic muffs  >:(  It was even bothering me . . . but that was it for my wife.  She put her pistol down and told me she'd wait in the car.  She has no interest in ever goining to the range again.  The range master was all over the guy for backing away from his station, like that, but the damage was done . . . the Mrs. never wants to go back  :'(

There is a silver lining, though - my 25 year old daughter, who had always refused to go to the range, went with us, because it was Father's Day.  She shot with the Walter P22 for a while, and I asked her if she wanted to try the S&W Model 19.  She did, so I loaded it with .38 Special, and stood there with her, talking about focusing on the front sight, describing the sight picture, reminding her to hold the revolver, tightly, and squeeze the trigger - After she had shot 12 rounds, I reloaded it again and told her to use double action and just shoot fast. 

She is a new convert to shooting!  ;D  She shot 18 rounds from it, and did this at 30 feet - a few went astray during the last six rounds, but she had fun!:

SMSgt, USAF (Ret)
Jan '67 - Aug '92
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S&W No.1, 3rd; S&W .38 S/A 2nd; S&W D/A 4th; S&W HE of 1903; Nagant M1895; CZ 52; CZ 82; S&W Mod 15;  Kimber Tactical Ultra II; Taurus PT738; Walther P22; CZ P-06; S&W Mod 19;KAR.98A; Win M1894 38-55; Win M94; Sears Mod 34; H&R 16ga; Win Mod 24