Author Topic: The Girl's Club  (Read 6651 times)

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Offline krystalzip

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The Girl's Club
« on: July 16, 2008, 10:47:23 AM »
Hello to all,

So my name is Krystal, I've made it so far into a few of the discussions but I have twice been told that if "Krystal is a lady's name, you should enjoy the ladies forum!". Must admit, I love seeing that someone created a gun forum especially for women, guess I just got use to being the only female at the range. :-)

Glad to meet any ladies here, looking forward to some great conversation.



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The Girl's Club
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2008, 11:56:37 AM »
Hi Krystal, Nice of you to drop in here. Yes indeed it's nice to see that women go to the range. Please feel free to drop in anytime. BTW the banner above is my Rami 2075 9mm. I love it. Just incase you were wondering. Welcome to the board.

Offline krystalzip

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« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2008, 03:56:04 PM »
Yea, that's a nice little gun. Mine is a CZ 75 Compact, 9mm. I can't WAIT to break it in (I was going to go on Saturday, but can't so now I'm going on Friday without the boyfriend hehehe).

I've been looking around at holsters, kinda a newbie to the pistol world. Actually, it's funny, cause I've only shot pistol three times so far. The first two times I plinked with a Ruger Mark II 22 target (which is a FUN little gun!). The last time we went out, I started with the Kimber 1911 target .45, LOVED it, and scared my boyfriend as I was a better shot on paper for pistol than most others in the line (so he says anyway!). He then handed me his 10mm Glock and now I know what it means to flinch...

I've been staring at the CZ for a while, it was between the CZ 75 and the H/K USP. My boyfriend decided to go ahead and get me the CZ (for many reasons).

I've shot skeet, go hunting, like rifle, but this is way more fun in my opinion (and when carrying, adds an element of protection that my mace just doesn't cover). I'll give an update on how it shoots.

I'd love to hear other stories of other women and they're start into pistol shooting and carrying!



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The Girl's Club
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2008, 08:42:47 PM »
Yes I hear that. I would love to hear of other womens experence with thier guns. I also have a PCR 9mm. I need to take it out to the range when it's not so dang hot. This heat makes me sick to my stomach and I am recovering from surgery. I will go out soon.

Offline krystalzip

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« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2008, 08:14:32 AM »
Oh this heat is an absolute killer.

I got to take mine out on Friday for it's break-in time. I shot about 125 rounds of 115g through it. Very accurate, not a single misfire, stove-pipe, nothing. VERY reliable right out of the box (only other gun I've seen broken in was my boyfriends kel-tec mouse gun and wow was that horrible). I shot the first mag and put this huge smile on my face, it was soooooo smooth and soooooo comfortable, I definitely chose good for me.

I also pumped a 20 count box of +P through it to make sure my self defense rounds cycle, no problems there at all. Those hollow point rounds sure go boom, but the weight of the 75 compact plus the (impeccable) balance of the gun made it SO easy that it just didn't matter.

The trip itself was also amusing. There were about 5 or 6 guys there, and it took about 30 minutes before anyone realized there was a chick at the range. We were all joking about how much we "suck", and the guys started laughing saying I was out shooting them. They were shooting this big hunting revolver, not sure what the rounds were. Sure didn't look like it was all that fun to shoot!

I do seem to have a recurring habit to shoot low and to the right. It seems though I'm flinching, but so little that the only way one can tell is by looking at the paper. I keep swapping with the 22 (ruger mark II .22 lr target) to try and prevent that, but I don't notice it as much with the 22. Might have to have someone start loading my mags for me and have them sneak in snap caps randomly to see if I flinch when the trigger is pulled

Anyway, hope everyone's weekend is well!


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The Girl's Club
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2008, 10:56:58 AM »
Excellent. Sounds like you had fun. My 2075 Rami9mm is fun to shoot too. It has little recoil and it's fits my hand like it was made for me. I have put several rounds through it plus +P rounds and no jams,stovepipes nothing. Let those guys eat your dust. I think it's great.

Have a great weekend too. :-)