Author Topic: New Lady - How's the CZ 75B?  (Read 8020 times)

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Offline stilettosixshooter

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New Lady - How's the CZ 75B?
« on: April 30, 2009, 02:11:24 AM »
Hello, ladies (I love a gun forum with a ladies area, I tell ya...)!

I am about to start experimenting with semi-autos (I currently own a S&W revolver that is very dear to my heart, but I want to upgrade in caliber size and get licensed with a semi-auto at the same time).  I LOVE the look of the CZ 77B with satin nickel finish - but I know that the functionality is more important than the twinkle it puts in my eye for now.

I plan to try it out as soon as possible, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on that model or any other CZ gun.  What do you think?

I don't have small hands, but because I have long, thin fingers and wrists, I am primarily concerned with the weight of the gun balancing out the recoil.  I am told that racking the slide can be accomplished by technique even where strength is lacking, and I've already purchased a clever reloading tool to avoid those issues.

All thoughts on CZ or other guns welcome!! :)

Mrs Armoredman

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Re: New Lady - How's the CZ 75B?
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2009, 05:50:50 PM »
 Welcome and hello from Mrs. Armoredman. I have no real ideas but I am sure our other smart members do. They are a great bunch of folks.

 Have fun and enjoy.


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Re: New Lady - How's the CZ 75B?
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2009, 09:27:05 PM »
A person can always cock a 75B before racking the slide. I'd just rather see new shooters with the BD versions.

After the range time is done. sometimes lowering that hammer down for carry is scary.

Otherwise,. If just range gun. You can clear the gun and return home.

Everyone has different requirements, so it is good for you to establish them.

Your other option might include a PCR/P-01 or a RAMI.

Both take less strength to cycle the slide than the longer 75B.

Feel free to contact me or others here if you need more advice.

Thanks for joining and thinking both CZF and CZ!


Offline MJZZZ

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Re: New Lady - How's the CZ 75B?
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2009, 03:59:26 PM »
When I was getting my daughter ready for her first handgun, I laid all my semi's on the kitchen table(I don't own a full sized 75B). After verifying they were all cleared I let her have at them. She had the hardest time with the Satin Nickel Compact, she never did get the slide racked. I think the finish was just too slick for her to grip. She did fine with the Ruger P89, P-01, Kimber Ultra and Rami BD, but she did best with the P-01. I have over 6000 rounds through it and it is the second most broken in gun I own. I have never replaced the recoil spring and it is really easy to rack the slide. Next time she's in town, she'll get to shoot the PCR. It should have several thousand rounds through it by that time. She ended up with a S+W 642, but they still want a higher capacity semi-auto. Mike
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Offline Treo

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Re: New Lady - How's the CZ 75B?
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2009, 04:22:06 PM »
My wife has very smallhands and weak wrists but she tolerates the CZ75B's recoil well because the weight of the pistol soaks up quite abit of the recoil. Unfortunately,she feels that the weapon is too heavy for daily carry. ( She carries a CZ82)

May I suggect a PCR or a RAMI ?
Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway
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Offline Thren68

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Re: New Lady - How's the CZ 75B?
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2009, 06:47:49 PM »
The smaller handed folks I shoot with (including myself) prefer the CZ 75b, 75compact, and P-01.  The Springfield XD is also a good fit for most.  Glock 19's also tend to work fairly well.

I've sold several of the crowd on the 75b.  Good gaming gun, but it would be a bit much for CCW.