When I ran a local indoor range down in Tucson years ago, we had several women shooters, ranging from a rich girl who bragged about taking every class Gunsite offered, (didn't show

), to one I respected greatly. She walked in with a stiff, jerky motion, little bit of a girl, carrying a large 1911 that she could shoot very well. She had broken her back years prior in a sporting accident, and had been told she would never walk again. She walks, not well, but well enough to shoot IDPA, and have plenty of fun. Her boyfriend treated her like a queen...because we wouldn't let him treat her any other way!

Haven't seen her in 7 years, but I'll never forget that courage and determination, and that poor guy hadn't realized at the time, that she had just set that same stuff on getting a ring from him...expect they have three kids by now.