Author Topic: Improving CZ Extraction- "How to" Pics + changing out the extractor spring  (Read 65234 times)

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This process can be used to replace the extractor, too.
            You need a steel punch of the proper size, although a blunted nail will sometime work  -- depending on how firmly the pin is installed.
            1) Remove the slide.
            2) Mask the top of the slide around the extractor pin if you're wary of marring the finish.
            3) Drive out the pin from the top through the bottom of the slide.  (Some folks have a really hard time getting this pin out of the frame.  Some pins appear to be staked on the bottom.  It will come out with enough application of force.  You don't have to drive it all the way out -- but just far enough to release the extractor.
            4) Slide the extractor out from the rear and then forward.  (Cover the rear of the extractor to keep the spring from flying off somewhere.)
            5) Clean out any gunk in the cavity in the slide, and check the extractor for damage.
            6) Install the new spring.  Note that it sets at an angle.
            7) Install the extractor, and press it down and back while reinstalling/driving in the pin.  You may have to work with it a bit to get the hole in the extractor aligned properly.  DO not get too forceful in this step.

Offline rln_21

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Improving CZ Extraction- "How to" Pics...
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2010, 04:39:50 AM »
I recently set up a CZ 75 for IPSC and in the first match I shot I had some malfunctions. I made these changes to the extractor and no more malfunctions.

I am a professional pistol smith (so I hopefully know a little bit about this type of tuning ::) ) and if our shop worked on CZ pistols this is how I would tune any customers extractor (we don't do CZ work as of now, this was a personal gun).

CZ enthusiasts seem to be a very DIY bunch, so I thought I would share this.

The extractor seems to be a common weak point on CZ pistols. If you are experiencing extraction issues you could have one or more of any number of contributing problems.
Probably most commonly, you may not have enough tension on the extractor to reliably pull the shell from the chamber and hold it in place until it can hit the ejector in the correct position. This is because CZ pistols do not have a cartridge pocket on the breechface like nearly every other design so there is nothing to locate the case vertically on the breechface except the extractor tension. If you have too little tension the case can slip down the breechface and either ride under the ejector (causing a jam) or not impact it in a location on the case rim that will allow positive ejection (causing a stovepipe); both of these obviously cause feeding and extraction issues.
The modification in the last pic will create an artificial cartridge pocket using extractor tension and will help keep the case located in the proper vertical position on the breechface.

This is how I tuned my own extractor and it fixed MY problems, I of course can't guarantee that doing this will fix any problems you are having.
I also obviously can't guarantee that doing this won't harm your extractor unless I was doing it myself.

Basically, modify your own guns at your own risk... :)

Luckily, in the big picture the CZ extractor is not an expensive part and these are not hard modifications to make.

These modifications were made in conjunction with thoroughly polishing the breechface with very fine sandpaper and polishing the wall of the breechface where the rim of the case would sit opposite the extractor. The inside of the hook and the slot behind the hook where the case rim would ride were well polished with very fine sandpaper WITHOUT CHANGING THE ANGLES OF THE  BACKSIDE OF THE HOOK OR RAMP... The idea is to lightly smooth out (but NOT necessarily completely remove) machine marks without changing angles.

This may not need to be done on every gun...

This change in angle should be subtle, no more than a couple degrees. I may have been a little more aggressive on mine than I needed to.

Remember, if you attempt this; take things slow, use very fine sandpaper for polishing (1000 and 2500 grit is what I used), don't change any angles except what is shown in last pic (I used a diamond tool (E-Z-Lap) for that with the extractor secured in a vice), modify at your own risk.

Gratuitous completed gun pic :)

« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 05:00:19 AM by rln_21 »

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Quick guide on how to replace extractor and its spring
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2011, 07:27:29 AM »
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« Last Edit: November 23, 2012, 08:36:50 PM by Cesar »