Well folks I have replaced the recoil spring and bought 2 new MEC-GAR mags and the thing still jams up. The bullet still catches on the lip of the mag and prevents the slide from chambering the round. I am feeling a bit discouraged by this. Has any one else had this issue? Any way of fixing it my self?
I have considered filing a bit of material off the front of the mag. I already have polished the feed ramp, but the slide catches before the bullet it makes it to it. I have tried 4 types of factory ball FMJ ammo in 125 and 115 grain, UMC, S&B, Winchester White box & Blazer Brass. It still has at least 1 fail feed every mag full. Hollow points were even worse with 3 of 10 rounds jamming. Also I am certain I am not limp wristing it.
Any help or advice would be appreciated.
I really want to like this gun but it needs to be reliable first. I will admit that when it works it is the most accurate semi auto hand gun I have ever shot. Almost all rounds hitting the 10" shoot and see target at 37 yards.
Thanks, The Embfixer