almost forgot to mention...
friday night i was talking to a friend at the shop during my nightly inventory check. we started talking about shotguns and how hard a time i was having finding a remington 1100, especially one in my budget.
well well, lo and behold, turns out he had a disassembled 11-87 at home that's been hanging for months! he recently refinished the receiver and barrel, and also refinished the stocks in a dark matte. i remember being at his house earlier this year and seeing it in one of his closets (drying rack lol).
he invited me over and i brought pizza and drinks. we hand cleaned and polished every part to a like new finish, and put a couple new parts on it too. i got to see how the gun goes together and gets broken down, and got a lesson in field stripping and how to work the gun right.
after a few hours we hit the range and the thing shoots like a dream! best of all, it was well under my cheapo budget... good thing too, because i started buying up the accessories and my wallet is a little sore, LOL!
well, with this shotgun and my friend's AK, looks like i'll be able to give 3-gun a try first saturdays of the month! woo-hoo!

it had an extension tube on it already, but it only held 7. so i already coughed up 45 bucks for the longer tube, which was the only one available off the shelf. already out for delivery is a choate charging handle and an oversized competition carrier latch button. next up will be some sort of sling and shell carrier for the side, and some FO sights.
how do i know if the sight is a press-fit or a screw-in? i don't see anything about the front sight that looks like it would take a wrench...