I hope this is the proper spot for this.
I put the CZ Custom Shop recommended set of these sights on my Production CZ 75B about 5 months ago and have what may be a dumb question.
On a "Bullseye" 25yd pistol target, Where should the Fiber optic rod be positioned in the rear sites to hit center of the X-Ring? Or better yet; where should the FO Rod be positioned to hit center of the USPSA head shot "A Zone"?
My 'Normal sight pic' is to put the TOP of the front sight Level with the Top of the rear sight and expect the bullet hole to be exactly split in half by the line formed (ON A PERFECT SHOT).
I'm Shooting HIGH with my normal sight pic, which puts the top of the FO ROD even with the TOP of the rear comp sight . I have to bring the FO ROD about half-way down the notch on the comp rear sight to get a good POI.
Yes, I have adjusted to this, because I like the target acquisition speed , but I lose some time adjusting my normal sight picture.
Where there is a "no-shoot' covering part of the A Zone horizontally, I really have to slow down.
For fun, I challenge our RO to shot shells at 15 yds. I usually hold my own, but I'm down two Cokes since I put on the new sights trying to 'guess' how to align them.
I appreciate your input.