Author Topic: CZ550 Kevlar vs. CZ 750 Sniper?  (Read 6486 times)

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Offline 96Skyline

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CZ550 Kevlar vs. CZ 750 Sniper?
« on: December 05, 2008, 02:24:50 PM »
I don't own a CZ rifle (only hand guns - which are some of the best I've ever shot/owned).  I have heard that CZ rifles are really good and I'd like to add one to my collection.  What are your thoughts between these 2 rifles?  I was told that I could get a 20 round mag for the CZ 550 and a muzzel brake added (.308 ammo).  I also drop a sweet Leopold scope and a Harris bipod on in too.  But the CZ 750 has many of these options too, but I do not believe it had the higher round mag and weighs more that the CZ 550.  I be using it for hunting in the mountains!

Any input/adivce is welcome and appreciated!


Offline twoguns

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Re: CZ550 Kevlar vs. CZ 750 Sniper?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2008, 02:19:56 AM »
Howdy Mr. 96Skyline,

Like you I do not yet own a CZ rifle, but am seriously debating getting a Kevlar Varmint in both 550 (.308) and 527 (.223).

I have been doing some research, but may not have seen the same info that you have sir.  The 750 comes with a factory 10 round .308 mag.  It is CZ's true "sniper rilfe", geared mostly to LE and tactical teams.  I am sure it is an excellent platform, but personally I would not consider it for mountain hunting.  I just do not see it as fitting into that role well.

The standard factory mag for the 550 is either 3 or 4 rounds.  I have read that the 750 10 round mag will fit and function in the 550.  But I have not read or seen anything about a 20 round mag being available for either the 750 or 550.  So personally I think I would want to do some more research on that 20 round mag before I put too much confidence in it sir.

For a hunting rifle, I personally think the 550 Varmint Kevlar would do all I need done in that platform.  But again that is just me.  I am sure others might well feel the 750 is the better choice.  But since I could buy nearly 2 550 VK rifles for the price of 1 750, I would personally rather take the money I saved with the 550 and put it towards a nice scope to mount on it.  But again, that is just me sir.

Hope this might help a bit anyway.  But no personal experience yet with either platform.  But I do see a 550 VK and 527 VK in my near future if things work out soon.


Offline 96Skyline

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Re: CZ550 Kevlar vs. CZ 750 Sniper?
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2008, 07:07:19 AM »
I call CZ-USA to verify all the information I have posted.  Give them a call if you like...Yes I know what a "TRUE" sniper rifle is, as I went through sniper training when I was in the service.  They like us southern boys...we seem to know how to shoot, I guess that's because most of us have been shooting since we were 4+ years old and the guns just got bigger and more powerful as we got older.

I competition shooting (long distance - & hand gun too, what that's worth) and can hit tagets at 200-300 yards easily.  Believe me, you'd want this gun!

I'm looking for a good rifle that I can carry in the Mountains while I'm hunting the the middle of no where.  I have a Ruger Min 14, but I don't think it's powerful enough, incase I happen upon an animal that can take a .223 and keep on coming at me.

I do love the  750, but the 550 has the same option (is lighter) and can get a 20 round mag (49.99). PROMISE

Offline CM Rich

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Re: CZ550 Kevlar vs. CZ 750 Sniper?
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2008, 09:38:34 AM »
I gotta admit that the tacticool appearance of the 750 Sniper catches my eye. Since I'm not a hunter, and would be using this rifle as a plaything and maybe a competition platform if I ever get enough money to do so, the Sniper appeals to me a bit more.

The price is certainly steep on the Sniper, though. Almost 2k without the scope and bipod? Yowtch. I did a bit of research on the Sniper myself, mostly looking for owner feedback on it, which is hard to come by, and the only report I found reported "decent" accuracy, and a few design problems. The adjustable trigger was said to be made of soft metal, and was steadily wearing out when set at minimal overtravel. The guy sent it into CZ-USA, who repaired it under warranty, but the problem persisted after a new trigger was put in. The solution he got from CZ was to lighten up on the overtravel or replace it with another, tougher trigger (not sure which one). Guy wasn't very pleased.

He also reported that the mags had fitment problems, citing that they felt "cheap".

Take that for what its worth. I'm still interested in the Sniper, hoping that this guy's gun was either a lemon or an early production version that has had its problems corrected. Still, it'll be a while before I can get my hands on one due to lack of funds and other guns on my list that will fall under Obama's scrutiny (if things head that way). A new Bren Ten is on the way, and that's my priority gun at the moment.

Offline 96Skyline

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Re: CZ550 Kevlar vs. CZ 750 Sniper?
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2008, 10:33:12 AM »
I'm double checking on those 20 round magazines for the CZ550, I may have been mistaken when talking to the service rep.  I know for sure they make 10 rounds. 

I have a rifle that might as well be a sniper rifle already.  I can reach out as far as 800 yards and I generally don't shoot much past 300 or so with it (I went through sniper training when I was in the service, so I think I got a good idea of what I'm doing).

I think I'm going with the Kevlar Varmint CZ550, but I've got to get this magazine problem squared away, add a muzzel brake, bipod (care of Harris), and an nasty Leopold III scope mounted on it.  Now I've go a gun I can shoot from the ground in the brush and the deer won't know what hit them! :)

Offline Pedro Pablo

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Re: CZ550 Kevlar vs. CZ 750 Sniper?
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2021, 05:48:50 PM »
Hello everyone, nice to say hello.
I have a .308 caliber Cz 550 varmint rifle. I found out that Cz 750 mags are compatible, however they are scarce and expensive. Do any of you know if there's another brand that makes them, something Magpul does with Remington's.

Offline Cachec

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Re: CZ550 Kevlar vs. CZ 750 Sniper?
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2021, 10:26:14 PM »
If you can find either or all of them, buy them! just my 2cents worth