Author Topic: Summary of 75B experiences FYI  (Read 1484 times)

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Offline TyrsRanger

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Summary of 75B experiences FYI
« on: January 18, 2009, 12:47:03 PM »
 This is just me speaking for myself, but my experience with this platform has been generally positive.  I'm posting this because I have a "medium to high mileage" gun that I have had for several years, and maybe others can take something away from this.

 I originally purchased my 75B as a result of some negative experiences with a S.A. 1911.  From the first, it ran like a sewing machine.  My first time out, I thoroughly cleaned and lubed it using primarily Break Free.  Since then I've used Shooters Choice, TW-25B, Slip 2000 EWL, Tuf-Cloth and Ballistol for lubes.  My favorite combo being Ballistol for solvent, dry it, Tuf-Cloth, followed by liberal amounts of TW-25B.  Or I'll just clean with Ballistol and skip right to the TW-25B. 
 My 75B ran everything from Wolf 9mm (lots of that) to Speer Gold Dot 124gr. +P (defense load of choice).  I have carried my 75B under all conditions, from summer sun to New England winter.  I have been known to downgrade to an 83 in the summer, or as a back up.  The only modification I made to my 75B was to replace the stock plastic grips with Hogue finger groove ones, mostly on a lark.  The plastic grips are just fine as they are.

 Here's when things have gone wrong.  I busted the firing pin because I was doing a lot of dry fire with snap caps that used a brass base.  Eventually, with the designs' long thin firing pin, it broke.  The gun still fired.  I would have to clear a FTF ever three or four rounds, and did this a few times before I figured out what the issue was.  Even more impressive, was CZ's customer service.  I received a replacement firing pin at no cost in about a week.
 The next time something went wrong was a few weeks ago.  Mind you, it's got over 21,000 rounds on it at this point.  I started getting FTEs - the extractor pulling off the case head.  I took my 75 to gunsmith Mike LaRocca in Worcester, MA (I was on PCS leave with the Army at the time), who buffed the extractor and replaces the spring with a stronger one, and partly polished the chamber.  I was also advised that the system is a controlled feed system, and for years, I had been snapping the slide down on a chambered round.  This is not good, and I tell you from experience, do it enough, and you will reduce the lifespan of the extractor, because what happened next was the extractor broke at an indoor firing range shortly thereafter. 
 Understand, this was an everyday carry piece.  Every day.  Granted, for four years, I was in Italy, and only got to carry on leave, but my sidearm goes everywhere with me, and gets unloaded nightly, sometimes more.  Once again CZ has sent a new extractor free of charge to me, which has since been installed.
 Furthermore, after talking to the gunsmiths at the factory on the phone, they informed me that a.) major components should be good for 60,000 rounds and b.) what does need to be replaced every 5K is the recoil spring.  I still have my original on my pistol, and I have a feeling that this is why I still get FTEs.  But mostly with S&B Range Safe 115gr. ammo, which is brass plated steel casings, which don't seem to want to extract, even with a multi tool or cleaning rod.  Mind you, this stuff runs fine out of my RAMI P that I just bought Thursday.  I did notice the cases flew a little further than the Blazers though.
 Now I'm awaiting my new recoil springs, which should resolve the issue.  I'll add more to this once they come in and I have a chance to do a test fire.  It may be time for new mag springs soon as well, but I haven't had feeding problems yet.  That, and I now have a few new 16 round mags, an apparent improvement over the older 15 rounders I have.

Hope this helps anyone who is looking into this platform new, or maybe is looking to learn new things.  I know that owning my 75B has been a learning experience for me.
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Re: Summary of 75B experiences FYI
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2009, 01:36:16 PM »
Excellent write up. Good to hear that at 21,000 rounds, your 75B is more or less running like a tank. Pretty impressive knowing that its a carry gun, which is subject to more abuse than a weekend range gun.

Offline TyrsRanger

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Re: Summary of 75B experiences FYI
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2009, 01:49:50 AM »
As an adjunct to this, here's a pic of my last target, 250 rounds, after getting the extractor fixed, and the complete kit for the 75B, minus the previous Uncle Mike's holster that died after three years continuous use and was hand sewn back together.  :D

Crazybones target, 7meters, 250 rounds

All my kit available for my 75B;

UCP camo drop holster is a Spec-Ops Brand Vapor tactical Holster I bought downrange during my tour in OEF 6 and used for a Beretta M9 issued to me at the time. 

Fobus CZ 75 holster

Uncle Mike's in the pants waistband holster, my normal method of carry.

Mags from left to right; OEM 15 rnd, Mec-Gar 15 rnd mag, aftermarket 15 rnd mag, two OEM 16 rnd mags.  I did not include the 10 rnd OEM mag, because I never use it outside of a range, and rarely even then.  Why carry 10, when you can have 15 or 16?

« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 02:08:41 AM by TyrsRanger »
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Re: Summary of 75B experiences FYI
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2009, 04:04:54 AM »
Thanks for the write up.  I have a CZ 75B and purchased it just two months ago.  I choose this for my 9mm round for practical shooting.  Got perfect A As but I need to speed up more to get a better score next time.  Noticed you have a Fobus holster and IWB Uncle Mikes which I also have. The very day I bought the Fobus I removed the rivet nearest to the trigger guard carefully using a drill and replaced with a bolt and screw with a rubber insert in between the two lips of the fobus.  By doing this I was able to modify it to include a retention adjustment system.  Drawing the gun is now easier specially for faster presentation requirements. 

Offline TyrsRanger

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Re: Summary of 75B experiences FYI
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2009, 10:52:45 PM »
An addition to this post, I got my new recoil spring for the 75B.  The differences were obvious.

As you can see, the old spring is shorter by about a good quarter inch or more.  Don't be like me, change your springs every 5K, it could save you a part breakage.

Additionally, I believe that Sellier & Bellot's Range Safe ammo indirectly contributed to my extractor's failure. 

I have had some FTE's using this ammo in my brand new 2075 RAMI P, though far fewer.  My 75B ran CCI Blazer with no FTEs whatso ever.  That was 100 rounds, and 50 rounds of S&B Range Safe, which had four FTEs.  The extractor slipped off the case head like before, though the casing dumped out easily when I dropped the mag.  S&B Range Safe uses "copper plated" steel casings - they looked like brass-plated casings to me.  I filed one of the casings down, and sure enough, there was steel under what looked like normal brass.  I also feel that any shooters policing this stuff off the range should exercise extreme caution reloading.  You may inadvertently reload steel cases, not brass.  If it's got a red painted primer, just throw it in the trash, or check using a magnet.

In conclusion, avoid S&B Range Safe - it might be safe for the range, but not your weapon.  These cases stuck in my chamber pretty hard with the old extractor and spring, placing undue wear on the extractor, as I made the mistake of slamming the slide back on the empty, sometimes repeatedly, in an effort to clear the malfunction.  If you use this stuff, clear the case with a cleaning rod if it won't dump out.  Then never buy it again.

I don't think this applies to all their ammo, just the brass plated steel casings.  I've had positive experiences with their traditional stuff.  Range Safe comes in grey boxes with red lettering.  I'd post a pic, but I threw out my boxes at the range.
Rangers Lead The Way!

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." -Doug Patton