Author Topic: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs  (Read 14595 times)

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Offline willchris

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CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« on: February 11, 2009, 03:31:27 PM »
Looking for a source for a NEW recoil springs for the CZ 50/70.

Wolf Springs has the magazine springs, but nothing else.

Wondered if the Walther pp/ppk springs might be a drop in.


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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2009, 10:27:18 PM »
I had the same thought of changing the recoil spring with a Walther.  I sent an email to Wolff Spings to ask about the swap and they emailed back saying that it would not work.  Keep in mind I haven't actually compared the springs myself.  I do know that Numrich does list a CZ50/70 recoil spring on their sight but it doesn't specifically say that it is new stock.  You might shoot them an email and ask.  CLICK HERE FOR NUMRICH WEBSITE

I can testify that the Wolff mag springs are great.  I've rebuilt all my mags with them.  I posted a photo of the Wolff springs next to the stock (worn out) CZ springs.  CLICK HERE FOR CZ BLOG
« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 10:34:39 PM by cgreen »

Offline willchris

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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2009, 01:15:22 PM »
Nice WEB site!!! You've done some real work!

Wrote wolf and asked for the dimensions --- spring length, inside/outside diameter on each end. Hope they get back sometime soon.

I've seen the Numrich springs. I'm reloading some 75 gr. LFP, and would prefer a little heavier spring than what I have now.

Most American ammo (as opposed to say, S & B)  is a little anemic -- so I suppose some folks might want a lighter spring for better function.

Offline willchris

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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2009, 01:49:47 PM »

The folks at Wolf Springs have sent the data on the Walther pp/ppk springs.

Recoil spring  - Stock No. 24661 (Walther PP) --- L 4.75"  OD .550  ID .456

Recoil spring  - Stock No. 485xx  15 LB  (Walther PP  380) L  4.7"   OD .598 ID  .498

My CZ 70 Spring measures: L 4.68"   OD .565"     ID .51 (large end) & .473 (small end).

So, it looks like that either spring may be worth trying.

Still need to measure and post the outer barrel diameter.

Offline DesertDave

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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2009, 10:24:29 PM »
Howdy Guys!
Say, I'm wondering how the Walther PP RECOIL springs worked out for the CZ-70......Also, is anyone aware if the Wolff magazine springs that they show on their website for the CZ-50 actually fit the CZ-70 magazines? I wrote to Wolff and the Wolff Tech replied: "I'm sorry, I can't answer your question". So there you have my dilemma. I have 5 CZ-70 magazines and only one is usable, at present. The other 4 will NOT feed shells and/or the nose of the shells droops........Could I get some opinions/knowledge here? Thank You!!........DesertDave

Offline PDTACF

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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2009, 01:56:27 AM »
Has anyone found new recoil springs for the cz70 or tried PPK springs yet?  My 70 jams about every third or fourth round.  It appears the bullet doesn't get seated all the way or the bullet gets lodged between the top of the slide and the back of the chamber.  I've replaced the mag springs and that may have helped a little.  Strangely, the only full magazine (by that I mean 5-6 rounds) I've had feed correctly have been magtech hollow points.  I've tried S&B, Magtech FMJ, and Aguila to no avail.  All jam at least one per magazine.  I have a CZ- 75, 82, and 100 and absolutely love them.  I hate to even compare, but I'm starting to lose faith that the 70 will ever function correctly. 

Any other ideas what is causing the jamming?

Offline NickySantoro

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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2009, 01:10:18 PM »
Recoil spring

Don't know if they are new or not.

If your feed problem is happening with one particular mag, it is likely due to deformed feed lips on the mag.

Offline tf34mech

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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2009, 02:01:18 PM »
Those are probably New Old Stock (NOS) made in the 70's.  The recoil spring is a good place to start, when you replace the spring check the barrel for signs of uneven wear on the outside and see if the slide has a lot of play when its on the frame with the spring removed.  I polished the feed ramp on mine and it helped.  S&B almost always jammed in mine and Fiocchi never has.

Offline PDTACF

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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2009, 11:26:31 PM »
I have three magazines and all three jam consistently, though all three could be deformed given their age.  I'm going to try to polish the feed ram and get a new/old recoil spring.  We shall see...

Offline PDTACF

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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2009, 12:14:11 AM »
Curious tf34mech, what did you use to polish the ramp?

Offline tf34mech

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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2009, 05:32:23 AM »
I used a dremel with the polishing compound and tool that came in with it in the kit.

Offline PDTACF

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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2009, 10:32:42 PM »
So, I used a dremel and polishing compound to smooth out the feed ramp.  Beforehand I sanded down a few rough spots I noticed around feed ramp and breech with the thin solid orange attachment for the dremel.  After that I cleaned and lube the whole thing.  I made it to the range today and fed four clips full (7 shots) of Magtech FMJ using all three mags I have.  I can happily report zero jams.

I have yet to switch out the recoil spring, but now I think it may not be necessary.  It appears to me that the feed ramp is probably the culprit.

Offline kg22122

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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2010, 06:49:06 AM »
Has anyone found new recoil springs for the cz70 or tried PPK springs yet?  My 70 jams about every third or fourth round.  It appears the bullet doesn't get seated all the way or the bullet gets lodged between the top of the slide and the back of the chamber.  I've replaced the mag springs and that may have helped a little.  Strangely, the only full magazine (by that I mean 5-6 rounds) I've had feed correctly have been magtech hollow points.  I've tried S&B, Magtech FMJ, and Aguila to no avail.  All jam at least one per magazine.  I have a CZ- 75, 82, and 100 and absolutely love them.  I hate to even compare, but I'm starting to lose faith that the 70 will ever function correctly. 

Any other ideas what is causing the jamming?

I also have a CZ 70. I bought a new-old recoil spring from one of the companies that sells them.
It is too tight on the barrel so I loose every benefit due to friction.
Any suggestions on the Walther PP springs ? 

Offline tf34mech

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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2010, 12:26:07 PM »
Do not use PPK springs the K stands for Kompact the slide and barrel are much shorter OAL 154mm for PPK OAL 167mm for the CZ 50/70.  It may not sound like much but in firearm terms it's huge.  If you must try this use a spring for the PP:

Offline kg22122

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Re: CZ 50 / 70 Recoil Springs
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2010, 03:41:42 PM »
Do not use PPK springs the K stands for Kompact the slide and barrel are much shorter OAL 154mm for PPK OAL 167mm for the CZ 50/70.  It may not sound like much but in firearm terms it's huge.  If you must try this use a spring for the PP:
Thank you very much. I realise that unless we see new spirngs in the market, we will have to try every available
spring that might fit. May I ask the OAL of the PP spring ?