Author Topic: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?  (Read 16860 times)

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Offline Lindkvist

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Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« on: April 23, 2009, 09:38:45 AM »
Hello from Sweden! I?m a new member and really happy that I found this forum! (Please excuse the spelling and grammar errors which I?m certain will occur)  :)

Last year after getting my hunting license this rifle was given to me by my grandmother. It had belonged to my grandfather
who past away in 1996. This was his main hunting rifle out of thirty rifles (he was a gun repairman and dealer) and the only one he kept when he got sick with Alzheimers.

I don?t know much about this rifle since I never got the chance to ask him about it, but according to my grandmother he got it in the late 50?s or early 60?s and it was new. He recieved it in Finland as payment for some furniture he had made.
My grandfather have been offered alot of money for it over the years but my grandmother always stopped him from selling it, which I?m REALLY happy for now!  :)

Some facts:
Model: BRNO ZG47
Caliber: .270WIN
Serial Number: 06949

What I want to know is mainly:
Year of manufacture?
What type of stock it is? (I doesn?t seem to be standard)
Which type of barrel it is? (Heavy or Light)
How many rifles with these specs that were made?
Estimated value? (For insurance reasons)
Any other facts that could be fun to know... ;)

// Alexander
« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 05:03:57 PM by Lindkvist »

Offline 2fewdaysafield

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG-47 before?
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2009, 10:04:30 AM »
Wish I could tell you more, but I do know that is ONE NICE RIFLE!

Offline tekarra

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2009, 08:16:33 PM »
Hello and welcome to the forum.  There are a lot of good people here and I hope you will enjoy the forum.  That sure is a beautiful rifle and being your grandfoathers, it makes it very special to you. 

I am not able to offer any information on the rifle, but suggest you visit  There is section titled "The Czech Weapons Board" which has a lot of information. 
A lot of collectors are members and should be able to give you the information that you seek.

What part of Sweden are you from?

Offline jamesmahon

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2009, 01:20:49 AM »
Hi,I can answer most of your questions as I also am interested in ZG47's and own a few.

The year of manufacture is stamped next to the proofmark , 1956.These rifles were only made from 1949-1963.

The style of the stock is typical of the ZG47 but the carving in the stock is not.The Brno factory of the time had a custom shop.I could not tell if the stock was factory carved ,or if it was done at a later stage.(it might have been done by your grandfather)

Some of the stocks I have seen did not have the cheekpiece or the schnabel tip.

The barrel is also the standard type ZG47 design.The only heavy barrels I have seen on a ZG47 is on a snipers rifle , labled as the ZG47sn and on a cased target version of the ZG47.

These rifles were chambered for 6.5x57,270,7x57,7x64,30-06,8x57,8x60,8x64,9.3x62 and 10.75x68.
From the custom shop , 5.6x61 vom Hoffe and I have a 8x68s.(The only one that I know of)

There were only 20 000 of these rifles manufactured.The value would be only what a person was willing to ACTUALLY pay , but in your case mostly sentimental value wich is worth more than money.

Offline Sargon

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2009, 09:54:09 AM »
Thanks for showing the rifle.

Perhaps jamesmahon will confirm, but I believe the wood is walnut from Turkey....

Offline armoredman

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2009, 02:35:09 PM »
Beautiful family heirloom.

Offline dancz

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2009, 04:54:39 AM »

I think Jamesmahon has pretty much covered things for you. They were also available in different barrel lengths.

Here are a few of my ZG47?s I don?t have many of these. One of mine proves that there are more 8x64?s out there.

ZG 47 -- .270 Win

ZG 47 ? 30_06


ZG 47 ? 8 x 64

New Zealand

Offline Lindkvist

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2009, 08:53:59 AM »
Hey everyone!

I thank you all for your responces! It?s great to finally get some info on my rifle, it truly is a family heirloom and I am a little sad I can?t take it with me when i die... ;)

To answer tekarra?s question, i?m from the southern parts af Sweden, more exactly Malmoe in Skania.

I don?t think that my grandfather did anything to this rifle after he bought it. He was totally satisfied with everything about it
and according to my grandmother the carving was already done when he bought it new. But it could have been done in Finland.

Are there any other known factory made carvings on ZG47 stocks? What does the "Super Deluxe" stock type look like?

I know of another additional custom calibre for which the ZG47 was chambered. It was published in a Swedish weapon magazine a few years back. (If you are interested)  :)  It?s the 9,3X64 Brennecke. Its a rifle with SN02862 from `57.

Here in Sweden theres a ZG47 in 9,3x62 for sale at the moment for approx. $600. And I am seriusly thinking about it... :-\

// Alexander

Offline jamesmahon

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2009, 08:57:21 AM »

Thank you for sharing the info on the custom shop ZG47 in Cal 9.3x64 Bren.

The last rifle of the pics that Dancz posted as ZG47 Cal 8x64 is actually NOT a ZG47 but rather a transition model 721(better known as Mod.21)

The safety is that of a ZG47 , as is the rounded bolt handle - but the barrel profile,barrel band,sights small ring solid sidewall action,shotgun type trigger guard,double triggers and stock profile indicate it to be a Mod 21 - very near to the end of the production of the Mod 21's.The ZG47's also had a distinct slanted type text as can be clearly seen on that of Lindkvist's .270 and also the very large trigger guard , presumed to be for use with gloves in very cold Eu/Scand weather.

As stated in my last post the cal 8x64 was a standard caliber where my 8x68 was a made by the custom shop.

The other rifle marked only as 30-06 also does not have the ZG 47 barrel profile , or safety or the distinct large trigger guard.

Lidkvist  ,  the best advice I can give you is to buy the 9.3x62 if you can , because it will compliment your 270 perfectly as a light/heavy "matched pair" for short range and long range hunting.

Offline dancz

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2009, 06:38:41 AM »
Hi James

You appear to know your way around the Brnos well. Obviously the 47?s and 21?s are not new to you.

What other info are you able to share. Do you have any info on the transition models and with the production dates of the 47?s and 21?s? I also know that there were different models of the 21?s are you able to fill me in with any details?

I consider myself quite a newbe by some of you guys standards so any help would be appreciated.

New Zealand

Offline jamesmahon

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2009, 07:19:12 AM »
I do have info on the Mod.21's , Mod.22's and the ZG47's and will prepare and post an item (including copies of the original pamphlets)as soon as I can.
Regarding the transition Mod.21's I also own a Mod.21 with a round bolt handle instead of the normal butterknife type handle, but it has the normal Mod.21 flipup safe on the left where yours must be an even later transition with the newer ZG47 type swing safe on the right.
The Mod.21's were made with round as well as squarebridge receivers.Some of the rifles with round receivers were fitted with Optikotechna scopes on clip-in claw type mounts.I will also post pics of my 6.5x57 with this factory fitted scope system.

Offline dancz

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2009, 07:01:14 AM »
Many thanks for the info James, keep it coming
New Zealand

Offline Lindkvist

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2009, 08:07:24 AM »
It?s really nice to see that there are people who care enough to do research about these guns. Fantastic information!

Just to give you guys an update about the ZG47 9.3X62 I was planning on buying, well I didn?t!  :)
Instead a bought a BRNO ZKK 602 in .375H&H for about $600.  ;D
I can?t wait to get out to the range and try it out, but as you might know, in Sweden you have to get license approval from the
police before you get the rifle and they are quite slow at the office. One time i had to wait 6 weeks before I could go and pick up my rifle at the gunshop...

« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 08:11:10 AM by Lindkvist »

Offline dancz

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2009, 10:45:36 PM »
I?m sure you?ll like the 602 as well. Does your?s have the pop up aperture sight in the action and does it have the standard or the set trigger fitted. Do you have the opposite trigger as the spare or has this been lost.

I have this series of rifle from 222 to 458 and they are all good shooters. I hope you post a pic when you get it to show what stock shape you ended up with.

ZKK 601 -- .222 Rem

ZKK 601 -- .223 Rem

ZKK 601 ? 6mm Remington custom

ZKK 601 -- .243 Win

ZKK 600 -- .270 Win

ZKK 601 -- .308 Win

ZKK 600 ? 30_06

ZKK 600 ? 30_06

ZKK 600 ? 30_06

ZKK600 - 30_06

ZKK 602 - 375H&H

ZKK 602 - 458 Win

Good luck and enjoy

New Zealand

Offline ZG47

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Re: Has anyone seen this kind of ZG47 before?
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2009, 07:55:53 PM »
As you have been advised your rifle has a standard barrel. There is a ZG47 lightweight model but I only know one guy who has one and his is a 30-06, as is my standard model. NB The trigger on these rifles is a good hunting trigger. You cannot turn it into a target trigger and you should not try to! Enjoy the rifle as it is.
A good shot at close range beats a 'hit' at a longer range.