This is just a post to let everyone know what problem I had with my gun and what fixed it.
I became the proud owner of a new SP-01 back in Feb. of '09 and took it to the range to take out my frustrations on some paper targets. With in the first 200 rounds I had a couple failures. Both were a round loaded and a second one nose up against the butt of the chambered round.
I lived with it a while thinking that soon the gun would break in and be just fine. After about 1000 rounds and many of the same type of failures I took it to Angus and crew to be looked at.
I got a call a few days later and was told my gun was ready to be picked up. When I picked it up I was told that the slide spring was replaced by an 11# spring. I have since fired 300 rounds through it and not one failure, more then double the number of fires I have ever experienced with out a failure.
For the record, I shoot what ever I can get ahold of and that has been mostly 115 gr. fmj. (wwb and Blazer Brass). I have a set of 14# springs and tried them but they only seem good for the +p jhp that I sometimes shoot, when I can find them.
Anyway, just a post to let any new SP-01 owners know that if you are having the same problem there might be a quick and simple solution, remove the 18# spring and replace it with an 11# spring.