Ladies, I know this gentleman, he is worthy of a well thought out answer.
Let me chime in first - my Dept issues the same sidearm male and female, and I am pretty sure all the others do. NYPD issued 32 revolvers to female officers back at the turn of the century while the males carried 38s, but equality brought that to a halt.

LAPD probably issues Glocks, so a Glock 19 would be common, and the subcompact would be the Glock 26, 9mm, subcompact size, poly frame means light weight, recoil is a bit stiff due to size and weight, and mag capacity is 10. As a CZ man, I'd reccomend what my wife carries, (she asked me to do this reply as I was logged in, so this comes from her), the CZ 2075 RAMI, 10 round mag, optional 14 round extended mag, double action/single action, standard safety, night sights, light weight alloy frame, excellent pistol. Plus, I can't stand Glocks.

This is the RAMI, specifically the wife's RAMI, same as the top of this page.
14 round mag extended magazine, with Surefire G2 Nitrolon flashlight.

10 round standard magazine.

Hope that helps!