I first time or two I had it out to the range, I thought maybe there was something wrong with my technique, but I've had other guys shoot it with the same results. I guess I could just adjust my sight picture to compensate. If the whole rear-sight thing turns out to be a bust, I guess that's the answer I'll have to live with.
I ran across a really excellent post (including closeup photos of a couple CZ rear sights) from a long-time CZ82 owner who described how he replaced the rear sights on one of his with a CZ factory replacement sight from a CZ75. He said he ordered them through CZ (which I took to mean CZ-USA). Unfortunately, I didn't bookmark the post or print it out. If I do run across it, I'll share it here.
I did hit pay dirt while searching for the lost post a couple minutes ago. I ran across a thread on another gun board (
http://www.gunandgame.com/forums/czech-firearms/86834-what-does-your-cz-82-like.html) on exactly this topic and somebody had a link to the exact page on the CZ-USA site listing fixed rear sights for the CZ75 (
https://shop.cz-usa.com/item_detail.aspx?ItemCode=0330074005). Bingo.
Going with the #5 is pure guesswork, but at $9.00 it seems like a pretty low-risk investment. Now that I know where to go for it, I can always pick up a #4 or #3 if I need to. I'll keep you posted.