Thanks everyone! Any helpful suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
Well, 1st thing: check the threads on that threaded stainless barrel! If it's one of the Federal barrels that used to sell, iirc, it's threaded 1/2-32 [decidedly special], whereas most muzzle components out there seem to be based on the 1/2-28 "standard" derived from AR-15 barrel ends.
Any .30 cal rifle comp will do the job *if* it fits, but since most are going to come w/ the 1/2-28 threads [too small for a .30 muzzle; the industry should "upgrade" to the old 9/16-32 standard from the M1 Garand

] they likely won't fit
if my remembry is working correctly (that's a big IF!

Net result: you can find the muzzle toys that Federal sold to go along w/ their barrels, but they'll all be for 9mm, .40 Short&Weak or .45 Browning.
AND you'll have to prowl GunBroken(er) or crawl gun shows to find'em. Alternatively, you could make your own. That latter option will be a lot more expen$ive, but more fun too! And just imagine the satisfaction when you're done.

Last observation: since the muzzle toys are going to affect the unlocking of the barrel from the slide, you
might need to go back to the stock recoil spring. I doubt it, since in my experience even with the extra power Wolf spring the CZ-52 doesn't suffer overmuch from any extraction difficulties [ie: only flings brass 20ft instead of into the next county!

] but since the CZ-52 seems to have plenty of hot gases to work with and that's how the muzzle toys do their "thang," it's a real possibility. Just something to keep in mind.