My net search on the Czechoslovakian VZOR 70/CZ 70 pistol has got me thinking about one! The .32 is a good little round, but not my favorite for a defensive round. But as you mentioned it shoots well, which is not surprising, could be a good backup piece.
They are not C&R eligible at this time to my knowledge.
The VZOR 70, is also known as the CZ 70, which was the upgrade from the CZ 50 pistol (Designed post WWII as a M&P pistol). The CZ 50 was produced from 1950-1970. I believe the CZ 82/83 replaced them.
The CZ 70 is 6 3/4" long, has a barrel length of 3 3/4", weighs 24 ounces, and has a magazine capacity of 8 rounds. In 1970, the pistol was modified internally to improve reliability and externally to update it's appearance. This new variation was designated for commercial sale as the CZ 70 (much like the CZ 82 and CZ83).
The CZ 70 is known as a good concealed carry pistol, being accurate, and a 8 + 1 capacity.
Prices were going for about $150. - $200 recently.
Check the forum site for DesignerGrips and also Marschal Grips to see if they make them for your pistol. Lately Marschal grips have had a problem with cracking but he is in process of figuring out why. They are beautiful wood grips, and hope he finds the problem, would love to have a set for my 82.