I went to the local outdoor range bright and squirrely, I mean,
early, with the P07, my usual P01 and PCR, and the vz-58 in it's little travel bag. Plenty o' ammo, and I was set.
I was also violating my rule I set years ago, never visit the outdoor unsupervised range on the weekend.

When I got there, the crowd wasn't bad, had my far left range to myself, and my heart immediately sank, someone had trashed it. No, the benchs and cover were intact, they had literally trashed it with broken boards, a half destroyed pallet, and a car radiator left on the ground. Being the weekend, the city cleanup crew hadn't been in, and the full to overflowing garbage barrel showed it. Well, I drove this far...
Setup at ten yards, shivering a bit in the 34 degree weather, but it can get chilly even in Arizona. Realized I forgot the camera again. Dagnabbit. Oh well.
Started cranking off rounds at 10 yards with the P07, and guess what? That cold weather thing did get me a little, mags became a bit "sticky" but not too bad. Groups were good, pistols performance was flawless. But, at round 120 or so, that sharp checkering on the backstrap finally irritated the palm of my hand enough to make me switch. Mind you, that had not happened before, wondering if the cold had something to do with it...so I switched to my trusty PCR. Oh, joy, as soon as the Hakans hit my palm my hand was singing in ectsasy. The problem was, I couldn't group as well as the P07. 25 yard groups were 6-8 inches wide! I had a choice, go back to shooting something that grouped well, or stick with comfy and wider groups. I chose comfy, as I rationalized, wide groups merely means I need more practice, right? Right!
I did run the target back to 75 yards and broke out the vz-58, and discovered that somehow my POI was now up and to the left on the target! I adjusted, and fired a few more, getting some nice groups, but nothing right where I wanted it. I began to realize I was having that rare phenomena - the bad day at the range. Well, better a bad day at the range than a good day at work!
So I finished up, cleaned up, and trotted home. We'll try again next Friday...