I bought a pro-tek 1 a few weeks ago. I already have a P01, which was my favorite gun to shoot with regards to accuracy. The Pro-Tek 1 is awesome. The work quality is tremendous, the trigger pull is significantly smoother than any CZ gun I have shot. I also took the gun to different gun shops I have been to. I found the people who either had negative feelings or were ambivalent about CZ's. The one Die Hard Glock Guy kept asking me "is this really a CZ?" after I told him it was one. He dry fired it and continued to remark how awesome the trigger was. I let a die hard Beretta Guy who is an excellent shot shoot the Pro-Tek 1 and he asked me if I would consider selling it to him. He remarked how snag-free and balanced it felt...I wish I had a hidden camera....it was almost like a commercial with a relatively unknown product-compared to most guns, and having people with preconceived notions truly enjoy handling the gun...I agree with the sticker shock....I contemplated buying it the last year...I recognized though I have purchased a handful of guns that I like.....but you can only shoot one gun at a time.....and paying for a quality gun...pcr p01 to me are awesome guns in their own right, with the custom work, it is worth it....Generation 4 Glocks are now going at about 600 a pop...this is like buying two of them....with a little extra....for an awesome, unique, super-accurate gun that you can carry-shoot at the range, use for home defense, and kind of show off a bit lol. I would recommend getting one....I would look at what guns you have in stock now and ask self if you would give up two to get a pro-tek-1 I sold a Beretta 92FS and a Glock 19 to help finance the Pro-Tek-1...and if I "needed" a glock 19....I am sure I could get a used on for 400 or less within less than 24 hours...where pro-tek-1 is custom, unique and a great purchase.