Author Topic: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?  (Read 50993 times)

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Offline RogerCZ75Bfan

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2010, 10:08:51 PM »
that's what all the Glock toters tell me too...
I use a Kholster or Galco Stow'n Go for the G27 and Kahr P9.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2010, 10:13:01 PM by RogerCZ75Bfan »
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Offline Phil79

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2010, 05:45:59 PM »
With all due respect, I couldn't imagine CCW a 75b, then again I live in Florida. I suppose if I lived in MN in the winter, then yeah. Unless I move there, it'll be the Glock 27 and the Kahr P9 back up.

I'm a small guy, and in the 96 degree humid Georgia heat I'll carry my CZ75B SA the same way I carry my other guns - tucked in t-shirt, IWB holster, and an unbuttoned thin and untucked short-sleeve shirt for cover. Of course, if I had to be outside all day in the heat, I may think twice about what I carry. :-)

But really, with a proper gun belt (as others pointed out), it's not that bad. You can balance the weight very nicely on the other side with a backup gun, and a couple of spare mags for your primary.

This is the holster I'm looking at possibly buying for my CZ: (anyone else carry with this one?)

Offline RogerCZ75Bfan

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2010, 09:00:04 PM »
Nice... tell me about it, I live in the heat and humidiity capital of the world just south of you. Well, mabe I'll have to wait to actually see the 75B in person (mine :) ) before I can decide if it has CCW potential. I've never actually seen a 75B in person before and I took the plunge's that for living on the edge?
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Offline TKH

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #33 on: August 10, 2010, 11:25:56 PM »
Nice... tell me about it, I live in the heat and humidiity capital of the world just south of you. Well, mabe I'll have to wait to actually see the 75B in person (mine :) ) before I can decide if it has CCW potential. I've never actually seen a 75B in person before and I took the plunge's that for living on the edge?

Did I read that correctly?  You've never seen a CZ 75 in person but your User I.D. is ...CZ75Bfan?  Normally I would say you were living on the edge, buying a gun sight unseen (or felt).  I will tell you will really be a fan once you have it in your hands.  I'm not a "gun guy" but I know quality when I see and feel it.  I sold two other nameless makes to get my CZ 75B .40 nickel.  As a CC gun, I can't address that issue.  I'm still trying to decide upon a holster to carry it in.  ANY SUGGESTIONS?  ANYONE?  Just in case the full size 75 proves to be too heavy, I bought a CZ 75 Compact for CC.

I do appreciate the earlier comments regard CCing the 75.  At 6'3", 260, I feel confident I'll be able to handle its size as well.
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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #34 on: August 11, 2010, 03:40:55 AM »
Nice... tell me about it, I live in the heat and humidiity capital of the world just south of you. Well, mabe I'll have to wait to actually see the 75B in person (mine :) ) before I can decide if it has CCW potential. I've never actually seen a 75B in person before and I took the plunge's that for living on the edge?

Did I read that correctly?  You've never seen a CZ 75 in person but your User I.D. is ...CZ75Bfan?  Normally I would say you were living on the edge, buying a gun sight unseen (or felt).  I will tell you will really be a fan once you have it in your hands.  I'm not a "gun guy" but I know quality when I see and feel it.  I sold two other nameless makes to get my CZ 75B .40 nickel.  As a CC gun, I can't address that issue.  I'm still trying to decide upon a holster to carry it in.  ANY SUGGESTIONS?  ANYONE?  Just in case the full size 75 proves to be too heavy, I bought a CZ 75 Compact for CC.

I do appreciate the earlier comments regard CCing the 75.  At 6'3", 260, I feel confident I'll be able to handle its size as well.

For discreet carry, Comp-Tac Minotaur gets my vote.  Pair it with a Wilderness Instructor belt with a polymer insert and you will have a stable, comfy rig.
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Offline Phil79

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2010, 10:24:53 PM »
I too bought mine just from the photos on the Internet.  ;)

With all the comments I've seen about it's great ergonomics and fitting well in hands that are not huge, I figured I'd go for it. Specifically, it looks like the SA model (the one I bought, and should pick up tomorrow) with its more sweeping beaver tail has better ergs than the DA/SA model.

Offline RogerCZ75Bfan

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2010, 11:20:43 PM »
Nice... tell me about it, I live in the heat and humidiity capital of the world just south of you. Well, mabe I'll have to wait to actually see the 75B in person (mine :) ) before I can decide if it has CCW potential. I've never actually seen a 75B in person before and I took the plunge's that for living on the edge?

Did I read that correctly?  You've never seen a CZ 75 in person but your User I.D. is ...CZ75Bfan?  Normally I would say you were living on the edge, buying a gun sight unseen (or felt).  I will tell you will really be a fan once you have it in your hands.  I'm not a "gun guy" but I know quality when I see and feel it.  I sold two other nameless makes to get my CZ 75B .40 nickel.  As a CC gun, I can't address that issue.  I'm still trying to decide upon a holster to carry it in.  ANY SUGGESTIONS?  ANYONE?  Just in case the full size 75 proves to be too heavy, I bought a CZ 75 Compact for CC.

I do appreciate the earlier comments regard CCing the 75.  At 6'3", 260, I feel confident I'll be able to handle its size as well.
You got it right. I know what you mean though, there's nothing like seeing and touching and preferably shooting the real thing...but sometimes you just gotta go for it. I love the looks of the 75B, I've been wanting a low recoil good shooting 9mm for target practice and I've seen two other CZ models in the past and was very impressed. Give me until 8-19-10 and then I'll officially live up to my member name as I'll have it in my hands. Then even moreso when I take it to the range 3 days later with 300 rounds.
CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow * CSA Vz58

Offline RogerCZ75Bfan

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2010, 11:35:57 PM »
I too bought mine just from the photos on the Internet.  ;)

With all the comments I've seen about it's great ergonomics and fitting well in hands that are not huge, I figured I'd go for it. Specifically, it looks like the SA model (the one I bought, and should pick up tomorrow) with its more sweeping beaver tail has better ergs than the DA/SA model.
Congrats! Let us know all about it...range report, etc...
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Offline SASDesertRat

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #38 on: August 12, 2010, 12:14:45 AM »
With the right gear and clothing it's possible to CCW nearly any pistol.  The question is how much effort do you want to put into the situation.  I've got a good friend with a small build that carries a CZ75B daily.  For him the size and weight are offset by reliability and accuracy.  It's a personal decision that has be taken by each person according to his circumstances.

Offline RogerCZ75Bfan

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #39 on: August 12, 2010, 12:27:29 AM »
Good points. Oh, TKH, one other contributing factor to me deciding on a 75B, also sight unseen, however, You Tube helped somewhat. Check it out.
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Offline zemscz75

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #40 on: August 14, 2010, 10:56:28 AM »
With the right gear and clothing it's possible to CCW nearly any pistol.  The question is how much effort do you want to put into the situation.  I've got a good friend with a small build that carries a CZ75B daily.  For him the size and weight are offset by reliability and accuracy.  It's a personal decision that has be taken by each person according to his circumstances.

+1 agree with the statement above. Good belt and holster make a world of difference. Not sure of the credability of this fact, but I've read elsewhere that members the US military will even conceal carry their M9's (talk about a big gun!) when on assignment off-base. If they can carry an M9 concealed then a CZ can be done!

Offline Floyd D. Barber

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #41 on: August 19, 2010, 01:10:12 PM »
I've carried mine during IDPA using a Galco IWB. I could easily get used to it.
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Offline Phil79

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #42 on: August 20, 2010, 06:53:59 PM »
Got mine Aug 12th, and carry it as my primary instead of my Glock 23. It's about a pound heavier, but somehow feels lighter for carry. Maybe because it's bigger and better balanced? I don't know, but I do know I love it!  ;D

Bought 200 more target rounds today. Gotta schedule some time very soon to shoot it. Yes, I'm that confident to carry it before shooting it. It fits my Don Hume holster I bought for my Glock, but I'll soon order one made for the CZ. Maybe today.

Offline RogerCZ75Bfan

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #43 on: August 21, 2010, 01:41:46 AM »
When I first saw this thread, having never actually seen or handled a 75 B, I thought you guys were crazy for even considering it as a CCW. I picked up my 75 B today and after just staring at it in awe and feeling how incredibly comfortable it is, I realized, OK, I see what they mean now, you could actually carry this if you wanted to....
CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow * CSA Vz58

Offline Phil79

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Re: Anyone use their CZ-75b as a daily concealed carry gun?
« Reply #44 on: August 21, 2010, 02:05:20 AM »
Yep, now ya know!  ;D

But now you gotta get the SA model (better beaver tail, bigger safety, same trigger pull for every shot), too - cause they're like a Browning Hi-Power, only better. It's only money.  ;)