Author Topic: cz-82/markov/p83 purchase  (Read 6883 times)

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Offline Brian Ahearn

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cz-82/markov/p83 purchase
« on: September 15, 2010, 08:50:12 AM »
Well after following this part of the forum and fellow members love for the older models I decided to jump in. I bought the cz-82 and a polish wanad p-83 from J&G and a Bulgarian Markarov from SOG. I got spare mags for all three pistols. I must say I was concerned about buying these pistols used but after cleaning all the cosmoline off I found that out of the three 2 pistols appear to be new and unfired the makarov and p-83 wanad are in superb condition with like new barrels and tight frame to slide fits. The CZ 82 on the other hand is a little rough on the finish nad the slide to frame fit at the rear is sloppey. I spent about $700 for the 3 pistols and another $182.00 for a 1000 rounds of  9x18 ammo. This weekend my sons and I will funtion test these pistols at the range and once we know how they shoot then I can turn the cz 82 into refinishing project-probably dura coat and two tone it. I would like to thank the members of this forum for the wealth of information and ideas that you have provided. I have an automotive repair shop with a glass bead cabinet and refinshing equipment and armed with the detailed disassembly info found here this should be a fun project. I will post pics of my new toys and the rest of my cz family when I finish the 82. Thaks again.
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Re: cz-82/markov/p83 purchase
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2010, 01:09:25 PM »
I'm looking forward to your report. I'm considering getting a Wanad P-83 but I have heard that they are rather punishing to one's hand, so I would like to hear your opinion.

Offline Brian Ahearn

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Re: cz-82/markov/p83 purchase
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 02:44:09 PM »
I believe that the recoil for 9x18 is between a 380 and 9x19 I am not expecting any problems with felt recoil, all 3 pistols fit well in my hand. I grew up shooting 45acp because that was the only pistol that I had. I also have the cz 83 in 32 acp bought that last year for my wife and every one in my family loves shooting it,accuracy is excellent recoil is almost not noticeable. I bought that new. We also have 2 other cz in 9mm and 1 38 charter arms revolver in 38 special as well as my 40 year old colt 1911. I am interested in the recoil as well because my wife is ready to shoot larger calibers and she says that my standard 9mm in cz have to much recoil for her. May end up with another used CZ 83 in 380 from Sog if 9x18 mak is too much for her. Anyways I will repost on Monday after our shooting session and let you know if we encounted any problems with these pistols,and I will have my son get pics up next week. Already ordered some duracoat so i can refinish the cz 82.
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Re: cz-82/markov/p83 purchase
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2010, 04:07:29 PM »
First off,Welcome to the forum.I am sure you will enjoy yours as much as we ours.Looking forward to your reports from the range

Offline SMSgt

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Re: cz-82/markov/p83 purchase
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2010, 05:21:52 PM »
The CZ-82 has a fixed barrel, so the "sloppy" slide will not affect accuracy and increases function reliability.

I bought two, one for me and one for the son. I disassembled both for refinishing with DuraCoat and reassembly can be trying. The sear and spring are the hard parts. It takes some patience. Tape and toothpicks will hold the little parts in place until pins, etc. are installed. A new recoil and hammer spring set from Wolffs will make it opperate like new.

A set of wood grips from Marschals grips finishes off the refinishing job nicely. They start about $65 shipped and Dennis offers several diffeent woods choices and styles of finishing. The only drawback is it may take 6-8 weeks for delivery.

The -82 is an absolute joy to shoot and is 100% reliable with my reloads. I pick up 9mm Luger cases at the range and trim them to make 9x18 cases.
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Offline Brian Ahearn

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Re: cz-82/markov/p83 purchase
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2010, 07:14:20 AM »
Just an update went to range yesterday took the P-83,CZ-82, the bulgarian makarov and my new SPO7 from the custom shop. Had great day shooting till my new SPO7 at 262 rounds had the lug on the bottom of the barrel shear off-not too impressive . I fill phone ROB at the CZ Custom  shop later in the day here in Pa it 6:52 am so I will have to wait till about !:00 pm est to try and reach them in AZ. Anyways let me tell you how well my 3 used pistols performed. The p-83 was the most accurate at 7 and 10 yards easily shooting 9's and 10's on a 8 inch shoot and splat  target. The beat up CZ 82 came in second on accuracy but the recoil spring is shot and will get replaced and I will definately clean this one up and duracoat it. The makarov came in a close third but had more felt recoil than the other 2 . The CZ had the best trigger because well it's all broken in from use, the P-83 came in second and the makarov third. The cz fits the hand the best the P-83 coming in second and the makarov third. The makarove came in first in finish and overall condition. Honestly I enjoyed shooting all of them and and shot over 300 rounds thru the three pistols with out a single failure. paid $219 for the CZ-83, $249 for the Mak and $249 for the P-83 and would not hesitate buying another one I got 2 mags for each and I think that I will get 2 more for each. Bought 2 from J&G and one from SOG. SOG also has used CZ-83's in 380 acp might get one of those next. I have never bought used pistol before,but I must say that I am very happy with the results. Later
Easton Firearms Refinishing Owner/Operator
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Re: cz-82/markov/p83 purchase
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2010, 04:56:13 PM »
Thank you Brian.

Your report has just put a P-83 on my Christmas list. I've been a good boy this year so I can almost fell it in my hand already.  ;D

Thank you.

Mr. S.

Offline Brian Ahearn

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Re: cz-82/markov/p83 purchase
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2010, 01:17:55 PM »
Update- already got the CZ-82 glass beaded and dura coated and back in functioning order with the help of several posts from the forum as soon as my son takes some pics will get posted. Thanks for all the tips from this forum.
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Offline SMSgt

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Re: cz-82/markov/p83 purchase
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2010, 07:08:26 PM »
Wolff Springs has CZ-82/83 recoil spring calibration kits at a decent price. They come with new hammer springs also, a nice plus. Will help tame the -82's tendency to fling cases into the netherworld. Mine drop right over my right shoulder now (and occasionally down the collar--yikes!).
« Last Edit: September 23, 2010, 07:10:29 PM by SMSgt »
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