MuddyWaterMan, welcome and congratulations on the new purchase.
1000 pistols is the number that was going around on the internet when these were originally introduced.
If you want to know precisely how many were produced, you might contact the RSR group directly as I believe they were the ones who placed the special order for these pistols. I wouldn't worry too much about shooting it, since other than a few cosmetic differences they are really just 75B models.
These RSR originals were the least expensive 75Bs I could find when I was looking in 2004 and it may take 20~30 years for them to gain any appreciable value (if at all) due to rarity.
Any increased value seems to have followed CZ raising their overall prices during the last several years (applies to all used CZs) rather than limited production.
Whatever you should choose to do, enjoy your new pistol.