Welcome! Looks like an '86 model with the squared lanyard loop. I've got both an '86 and an '88 and they pretty much identical other than the lanyard loop.
I loved shooting my -82. I reload, make my brass from 9mm Luger cases, so having ammo is not a problem. I haven't found what I consider "good" SD ammo yet. Hornady makes some but isn't rated very well. Silver bear also has HPs but hard to find. Most of the Russian ammo (Brown/Silver Bear) is really dirty but so far has functioned well.
The one common issue with the -82s is the grips work loose because of only one screw holding them. Some place a small O-ring under the screw and say it works. Green or blue Locktite will help also.
Functionally, the little pistols work great and have a nice trigger. Mine runs like a sewing machine, even with my hybrid reloads. If you want to sprice it up a bit, you can get a set of wood grip from Marschalgrips.com. He does great work, nice finish in many choices, and for a decent price. The down side is they have to come from Hungary and it takes 6-8 weeks.
Enjoy your new pistol!