Last Saturday at the range, after running a bunch of my regular Federal ammo, my buddy gave me a few of his hand loads.
I noticed on one round the rim was kind of scored up, but loaded it into the mag anyway. When I got to that round it did not feed completely. Pulled it out, went to the next round - pulled the trigger and nothing happened. Waited a bit, then couldn't pull the slide back to eject the round (yes, I had pulled the mag out). My buddy came over, and we eventually got the round out - when I looked at it, there was no mark on the primer.
I went back to my Federal ammo, and the first round did not fire (but it did not hang up the slide). Again, there was no mark on the primer! Now I'm concerned something has broken. I stand around for a bit, then decided to just rack the slide a few times, quickly with no mag in.
Put a mag back in, load it, and bang - working fine. Went through 3 more mags without a problem.
Strange problem, I'm pretty new to this sport, and wonder if this has happened to anyone else before?