sorry for any confusion. hope the other posts have cleared up the confusion, but just incase- the rifle barreling twist 1-12, 1-9 for instance determines the speed the bullet rotates as it leaves the barrel , the lower the number the faster it turns, this inturn allows heavier grain (actual bullet weight) bullets to be used, which are more accurate at longer ranges,less effected by the wind. the faster twist stabilises the bullet. therefore going outside the barrels recomended bullet weight will have a huge effect on accuracy. the ammunition manufacturers all make hunting and target rounds generally speaking hunting bullets are ballistic tipped or hollow - soft points and are classed as an expanding varmint round. target rounds are eithor fmj (full metal jackets these are solid, non expanding) or hp (hollow points, non expanding). generally speaking the fmjs are a lot cheaper. you should look at manufactures web sites, which will have all the info you require.