Hi people i just want to share with all of you, I went to the ranch the last Saturday i used 250 rounds with my CZ 110, 200 FMJ and 50 HPJ the brands are not relevant because here right now we cant find good brands well the thing is went with my uncle he was at the force at New York and now he is retired so he came back to my country some time ago, well at the middle of the session he asked me to fire with my left hand, at first I was a little intimidated because I never did something like that before, but I did, at the first shoots my hand shake a lot and one bullet Failed to go to the chamber from the magazine, I was thinking it was my gun but he told me that is because I shaked it in a big way and I had to try to not do it, so I tried not to shake my hand and that was the problem because after that it did not failed anymore

(and I used something like 150 rounds after it), well my uncle he is a Glock fan but he really liked my gun he tried it and he said he will buy one of them for his next purchase, well I used my CZ 83 too with 200 FMJ rounds and it had no problems at all too!!! Well just want to share with you guys
Have a great day
Alex from Guatemala