Welcome to the club. It's good to hear you did not have a big problem with transitioning to the long DA pull of the 100. I have also found my 100's to be quite accurate, considering they were designed as a combat pistol. I passed my CCW course with my 9mm. They almost did not let me use it. Kept asking where the safety was. When I told them it didn't have one they wanted to see the decocker. I had to do the entire song and dance, but I finally convinced them.
As I recall, my 9mm drops the casings about 15' to the right rear using the factory recoil spring (still in the pistol). The 40 S&W on the other hand needs its own zip code. I have a 24# G19 spring in that pistol, my carry piece.
Did you find it necessary to do a fluff and buff on the trigger of your pistol? If not, that is wonderful. If you decide to do it anyway, there is a great thread at the top of the forum.
Again, welcome to the club. If you have any questions at all, just ask. There is a tremendous amount of knowlege here, and everyone is more than willing to share what they know.
Good shooting,