Just got mine back this week from
EFR. Brian did a great job! He added new sights and CZ 75 rubber bases to my 4 mags. Grips are from Grips4u. I added a firing pin spring and a 16 lb recoil spring. Ran 300 rounds through it this weekend with not one issue.
Well I did have one. The rear sight set screw will get loose and I have to readjust and re-tighten it, But after another 30 rounds it gets loose again. I don't want to take the set screw out and add loc tite to it and try to re-sight it,,I'm afraid it will dry before I find the sweet spot again. Anyone have a trick for this issue?
I was doing softball size groups at about 13 yards. Very happy with this one. Makes me want another one. But I have already bought 4 CZ'z in the past two months!!! How can I stop this madness