I know I've brought up this topic before. I bring it up for two reasons, 1.) I bought an inside the waist uncle mikes holster for about 14 bucks, it served its function, but I felt I wasnt comfortable with it. 2.) I finally got my to carry permit, so now I can carry outside the home. I was searching for a shoulder rigg, that would be confortable, but also so that there wont be a huge bulge.
I know others will disagree with me, but i find that on my type of body frame, its the best way to hide a weapon. Now that being said, i was looking to spend about 50 bucks max on something. Nothing fancy, you know like leather or a custom CZ hoslter. I just want some sort of shoulder rigg. Any suggestions. I've been looking at the uncle mikes which arent too bad, but they dont seem that comfortable. Anyone? Also I know this is posted somewhere in here, but is it the g19 that the cz is a fit for? get back to me as soon as possible, looking to finally carry my piece around. (Legally. . .
