Author Topic: hello, couple of pics of my guns  (Read 3878 times)

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Offline KonigsTigerII

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hello, couple of pics of my guns
« on: December 18, 2006, 01:10:34 AM »
hello, been lurking around the forum, had a membership for a long time but decieded to start using it. my list of firearms I have:

CZ-75 SP-01
S&W J-frame 38
Carano M91/41
Walther P-1 (broken frame)
2 K98ks
Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk3*
Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk1/2
Turkish M38 Mauser
2 Yugo M48 (one is a parts gun)
Schmidt Rubin K31
Steyr M95
Calico Liberty 100
Colt Match HBAR Ar-15
Kel-Tec Sub-2000
Yugo M59/66 SKS
Remington Viper
Semi AKM clone, Romanian
SKS paratooper
Russian SKS-45
Ruger Mini-14
Mosin Nagan M91/30
Norinco Model 372 (copy of itaca 37)
Taurus PT 92 AR

some pics:

no longer own the pos G22

concealed carry class target (can't wait to get the permit!) from about 12ft, using the taurus PT 92

and more to come such as the CZ P-01 and kadet pistol
I look forward to using this forum


Offline dancz

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hello, couple of pics of my guns
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2007, 03:49:00 AM »
Here are a couple of my Czechs, have not bothered with the others yet.

Please note that I am a hunter and shooter and that most of what I own are well used. I am not a photographer and apologise for the poor quality.

ZBK 110 -- .222 Rem

ZBK 110 -- .222 Rem (same as above)

Brno Fox Mod 2 -- .22 Hornet

ZKW 465 -- .22 Hornet

Brno Fox Mod 2 -- .222 Rem

CZ 527 -- .222 Rem

CZ 527 American -- .204 Ruger

CZ 527 Varmint -- .204 Ruger

ZKK 601 -- .222 Rem

Brno Fox -- .222 Rem

ZKK 601 -- .223 Rem

ZKK 601 -- .243 Win

ZKK 600 -- .270 Win

ZG 47 -- .270 Win

Mod 21 -- 7mm

Mod 21 -- 7mm

52/57  7.62 x 39

ZKK 601 -- .308 Win

ZKK 600  30_06

ZG 47  30_06

30_06 Unsure of model

ZKK 600  30_06

CZ 550 American  6.5 x 55 S

ZKK 600  30_06

Mod 21  7mm

Mod 21  8mm

ZG 47  8 x 64

Mod 21  8mm

ZKK600 - 30_06

CZ550 Minnesota - 308

A couple of VZ33's - 8mm

ZKK 602 - 375H&H

ZKK 602 - 458 Win

CZ 550 Safari Classic - 458 Lott

VZ58's - 7.62x39

Semi 12 gauge

ZH101 - 12+12

Brno - 12+12

ZH103 - 12+12

SxS - 12+12

SxS - 16+16

ZH301 - 12+12

Mod 3 - 12+222 Rem

ZH304 - 12+7x57R

Mod 2 - 12+5.6x52R

ZH305 - 12+22 Savage

ZKK601 Custom - 6mm Rem. My wifes rifle that I use to bust bunnys at around 400 yards

VZ59 - 7.62

CZ61 Scorpion - 7.65

ZK383 - 9mm

CZ23 - 9mm

CZ24 - 7.65

Bren MK I - 303 British, I know that its not a Czech but you have to give them the credit as they designed it first.

Some of the CZ rimfires

Some of the Brno rimfires

Some semi auto rimfires

Thats all for the moment, if anyone wants more Czechs posted I'll have to get the camera out again.

All the best wishes from down under.

Good shooting, hunting and collecting to all.
New Zealand


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hello, couple of pics of my guns
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2007, 09:29:20 AM »
Nice collections,guys. I currently have 671,488 classic guns....but with an expensive arsenal THAT big there's NO way I'll EVER be able to afford a camera... Just kidding. I got about 20 guns, only one CZ, the preB 75 ;1981 in PERFECT unfired gorgeous blue. In spite of urging to go out and shoot it from Walt and some other distinguished members, I still have personal reservations about firing a gun this tight and pretty,& that has already made it through over a quarter century of existence unscathed- besides; It'll give me an excuse to get another CZ or two for shooting.Some other pets include; 2 tone Browning BDM 9mm, M1 Garand, S&W mod 29-2 .44mag, Colt Anaconda .44, Henry GB 17 HMR, S&W 3000 shotguns -12&20, Marlin 336CS 30-30, Browning Challenger .22, Winchester Mod. 69a....But those CZ's Rock. Daddy wants...