I'm in the market for a CZ-52. I had a couple of questions regarding choosing the right one.
1. Arsenal refurbished better or worse?
The arsenal refinish just means it has a hot-dip blue finish on top of the Parkerized finish. It gives a black look instead of the original dull gray. Either one looks fine to me.
2. Other than butt-ugly import mark/stamp, is one importer better or worse than another?
All the pistols ran through CZ Brno before going to importers. Some were apparently never issued, and needed no refinishing.
3. Any way to tell whether it would be a good shooter (like the mysterious 4-dot accuracy coding on some versions)?
The "four dot" thing is hogwash. Someone speculated wildly years ago about the meaning of the dimples, but didn't have a clue. For some reason, others passed that theory around uncritically. There's nothing to it.
It's easier to examine it for signs that it will be a bad shooter, like worn rifling, or a damaged barrel crown, or a barrel that's been belled by an overpressure event. Keep your eyes open if buying a used pistol.
4. What else to look for?
Look for the same thing you would look at when buying any used pistol. Condition is important. Look for rust pitting in the barrel. A web search will find you "How To" articles on how to assess used pistols... great advice.
You're welcome. Good luck and good hunting.