Author Topic: CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)  (Read 22363 times)

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Offline OffshoreMan72

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CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« on: December 27, 2011, 07:11:09 AM »
Anyone shot the Czechmate yet?  How does it compare to the Champion?  I have the Champion and just purchased the Czechmate.....Will not get home from Israel until end of January and want to know how they compare.....
CZ 75 Champion .40
CZ 75  Shadow T Duo 9mm (custom)
CZ 75 Compact 9mm(SA)
CZ 75 TS Czechmate 9mm
CZ 75 Shadow T Duo 9mm
CZ SP-01 Shadow
CZ 75 Kadet 22LR
Dan Wesson SSC .40 S&W
Dan Wesson PM7-40
CZ 455 American 17HMR
CZ 712 Utility w/Adj Stock & mag

Offline jameslovesjammie

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Re: CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2011, 11:11:35 AM »
Haven't got one yet, but have been reading quite a bit.  They are completely different animals.

.40 cal
75B frame
Adjustable sights
Highest capacity mags 13 (15 with extensions)
4.5" barrel

Tactical Sport frame
Fixed sights and C-More red dot and mount
Hightest capacity mags 26 (comes with (1) 26 and (3) 20 round)
5.4" barrel

Both guns are designed for USPSA/IPSC Open class.  However, the Czechmate is about 10 times more competitive than the Champion in that division.  Since the Czechmate is a 9mm AND is built on the larger frame, the magazine capacity is almost double that of the Champion.  That allows you to shoot a stage and only have one reload, as opposed to two or three with the Champion.  Plus, it can handle 9mm major loads, which means that you are at no disadvantage in scoring for shooting the 9mm vs .40.

The only downside...the Czechmate is 2x the price of the Champion.  But for that are getting a complete racing package.  You have the gun and enough mags to run right out the door.  It is less expensive than a S_I, and just as competitive, IMHO.  It is more expensive than a EAA Gold Team, but not really that much more expensive than a Gold Team with the same magazine, sight, and barrel package.

It is on my wish list after we get our medical bills paid off.

Offline OffshoreMan72

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Re: CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2011, 02:54:43 PM »
I have the extended mags for the Champion and can shoot 20+ rounds out of one mag.  I wanted to add the optics to it but I have been talked into just getting the Czechmate.  So i have it waiting on me.  I just hope it shoots as well.  What is a 9mm Major?
CZ 75 Champion .40
CZ 75  Shadow T Duo 9mm (custom)
CZ 75 Compact 9mm(SA)
CZ 75 TS Czechmate 9mm
CZ 75 Shadow T Duo 9mm
CZ SP-01 Shadow
CZ 75 Kadet 22LR
Dan Wesson SSC .40 S&W
Dan Wesson PM7-40
CZ 455 American 17HMR
CZ 712 Utility w/Adj Stock & mag

Offline jameslovesjammie

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Re: CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2011, 03:39:18 PM »
What is a 9mm Major?

In USPSA/IPSC, Open division (which both Champion and Czechmate would fall into) has two different scoring systems: Major and Minor.  These are referred to as powerfactor.  Powerfactor is bullet weight (in grains) multiplied by velocity (in feet per second) divided by 1,000.  To be classed as minor powerfactor, a round must have a score of at least 125.  To be classed as major powerfacor, a round must have a score of at least 165. 

It is easy to make major powerfactor with a .40.  A 180 grain bullet at 917 fps, or a 165 grain bullet at 1,000 fps make powerfactor.  But with a 9mm, you would need a 115 grain bullet at 1435 fps or 125 grain bullet at 1331 fps.  You really need a large frame gun (like a Czechmate) to do this with.

Why do you want to shoot major powerfactor?  Scoring is the main reason.  The different areas of the target have different point values, and the values are different shooting major vs minor.  With this gun being compensated...shooting major forces the muzzle down more during recoil than a minor load.  I actually find less recoil in a comped gun shooting major than the same gun shooting minor.  I have only shot a STI, SVI, and Glock comped, but this has been my experience. 

Offline OffshoreMan72

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Re: CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2011, 03:53:42 PM »
I guess i should of rephrased that.  I am familiar with the power factor, but do not have a lot of extra time to reload and test loads.  If I can't get it off the shelf then it will probably not get made.  I like that I can get the ammo for the .40 to shoot major but not in the 9mm.  I bought the 9mm on the recommendation that mag capacity with the Champion would be an issue.  I will probably not even shoot in open competition any time soon but want to practice with the gun in case I do.  I have a couple SP01's I plan to shoot in limited and production.  I just want to keep my options open.  I am a huge CZ fan.  I have shot about everything under the sun and with the smaller hands, the CZ is my suitable option.  If the Czeckmate shoots as good as my Champion then I will definitely be a happy camper.  I am still looking for someone to put optics on my Champion.
CZ 75 Champion .40
CZ 75  Shadow T Duo 9mm (custom)
CZ 75 Compact 9mm(SA)
CZ 75 TS Czechmate 9mm
CZ 75 Shadow T Duo 9mm
CZ SP-01 Shadow
CZ 75 Kadet 22LR
Dan Wesson SSC .40 S&W
Dan Wesson PM7-40
CZ 455 American 17HMR
CZ 712 Utility w/Adj Stock & mag

Offline jameslovesjammie

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Re: CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2011, 05:58:03 PM »
I am still looking for someone to put optics on my Champion.

There are two options.  You can get an optics mount that is drilled and tapped into your frame and comes up (like how the optics are mounted on the Czechmate) or you can have the top of the slide milled down and have a small optic (like a JP) installed.  I would personally probably have the slide milled.  It will get you closer to the bore than the the other style mount.

You could probably have either done by Angus at CZ Custom.  We also have some forum members with access to a mill that may be willing to help you out as well.  Be aware that if you mill the will also have to have the area reblued.

Offline coolbox

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Re: CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2011, 08:23:55 AM »
The czechmate is based on TS frame, although the trigger guard area is cut deeper and beavertail swept higher, but is still noticably larger than the standard cz75 frame. Do hold one before you decide, specially if you do not have medium or large hands.
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Offline OffshoreMan72

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Re: CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2011, 10:53:21 AM »
Thanks for the input cool.....i have already purchased so i better like it.  I have another 18 days in Israel before I pick it up.  I will give it a review on here about the 20th....
CZ 75 Champion .40
CZ 75  Shadow T Duo 9mm (custom)
CZ 75 Compact 9mm(SA)
CZ 75 TS Czechmate 9mm
CZ 75 Shadow T Duo 9mm
CZ SP-01 Shadow
CZ 75 Kadet 22LR
Dan Wesson SSC .40 S&W
Dan Wesson PM7-40
CZ 455 American 17HMR
CZ 712 Utility w/Adj Stock & mag

Offline coolbox

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Re: CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2011, 02:04:13 PM »
you are welcome, and you will love it. My friend with chubby small hands loves my TS, and shoots perfect with it, so it is about love and adaptation...looking forward to your review..
Life is too short to waste on a bad trigger pull

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CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2011, 10:36:20 PM »
That Czechmate sounds amazing. Plus, I am part Czech and I am a shameless punster.
CZ 75 B, CZ 452 Special Military Training, Gen 1 G17, Gen 3 G23, Gen 4 G26, 870P, MkIII 678, 10/22,  LWS32, LCP

Offline jameslovesjammie

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Re: CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2011, 02:54:17 AM »
That Czechmate sounds amazing. Plus, I am part Czech and I am a shameless punster.

By the look of the guns in your signature, the other part of you must be Austrian.

Offline OffshoreMan72

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Re: CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2012, 06:34:05 AM »
I picked up my new Czeckmate last week.  It is one nice piece of hardware.  I really enjoy it.  It is significantly heavier than the Champion and will have to shoot allot over the next few weeks to be convinced not to put optics on my Champion.  The Champion is so smooth and fits my hand so well.  The Czech jammed about 1 out of 10 loads as I shot it.  will have to fix that.   I will update more as i get more shots down range on the czechmate.
CZ 75 Champion .40
CZ 75  Shadow T Duo 9mm (custom)
CZ 75 Compact 9mm(SA)
CZ 75 TS Czechmate 9mm
CZ 75 Shadow T Duo 9mm
CZ SP-01 Shadow
CZ 75 Kadet 22LR
Dan Wesson SSC .40 S&W
Dan Wesson PM7-40
CZ 455 American 17HMR
CZ 712 Utility w/Adj Stock & mag

Offline OffshoreMan72

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CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2012, 10:18:16 PM »

Well I may have lost my Chechmate already. My daughter has been dry firing all week and wants to shoot it this weekend.....

I am here:
CZ 75 Champion .40
CZ 75  Shadow T Duo 9mm (custom)
CZ 75 Compact 9mm(SA)
CZ 75 TS Czechmate 9mm
CZ 75 Shadow T Duo 9mm
CZ SP-01 Shadow
CZ 75 Kadet 22LR
Dan Wesson SSC .40 S&W
Dan Wesson PM7-40
CZ 455 American 17HMR
CZ 712 Utility w/Adj Stock & mag

Offline jameslovesjammie

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Re: CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2012, 06:38:46 AM »
Looks like you already lost your Czechmate!

Offline OffshoreMan72

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Re: CZ 75 Champion Vs. CZ 75 Czechmate (9mm)
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2012, 12:07:05 PM »
I am redoing all for her now.....I set out about 10 pistols and told her to pick the one she likes the best......go figure.....the Czechmate......I put minor loads in it and they won't cycle so I am going to have to set it up for her to shoot minor......I am in Croatia now so it will have to be when I get back.....

Still think I am going to pimp out my Champion to open.....i have some big stick mags that will work.....may sent to Cheely or something.....
CZ 75 Champion .40
CZ 75  Shadow T Duo 9mm (custom)
CZ 75 Compact 9mm(SA)
CZ 75 TS Czechmate 9mm
CZ 75 Shadow T Duo 9mm
CZ SP-01 Shadow
CZ 75 Kadet 22LR
Dan Wesson SSC .40 S&W
Dan Wesson PM7-40
CZ 455 American 17HMR
CZ 712 Utility w/Adj Stock & mag